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To go out with the setting sun on an empty beach is to truly embrace your solitude.

- Jeanne Moreau -

Tomorrow is my second favourite public holiday, Australia Day. It falls on a Wednesday this year so is observed on the day itself. If it falls on Saturday or Sunday the public holiday happens on the Monday. Long weekend's are legit. I don't mind working two days, having a day off then working two again...It's a day off and it makes for a shorter week.

Australia Day

Australia Day is the country's national day and is observed on the 26th of January every year. It marks the landing of the First Fleet in 1788, at Sydney Cove, and is a day for all Australians no matter if they were born here like me, or if they arrived as immigrants.


Around the country celebrations, concerts, festivals and events are held right throughout the day, mostly simply for people to enjoy themselves and also to reflect on Australian history, celebrate our Australianness. The Government also hold community award events and new Australians attend citizenship ceremonies making their Australianness official. It's the country's largest civic event and it's a legit day off.

I usually hold a barbeque at my house for a handful of my friends and there's a strict policy; if you're not wearing something displaying the Australian flag, or other such appropriate attire, you are not getting in the front door. There is no exceptions. I have spares for those who forget, and I make them pull on something Australian-branded prior to coming in.

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Alas, this year I'm not holding my regular, and much-anticipated, Australia Day barbeque and so I've had to come up with something legit to replace's not difficult though and there was really only one choice of activity. What could possibly replace a legit barbeque at my house on Australia Day? Yep, you guessed it; the beach!

OK, back up a little...First there's an Australia Day sleep in; not a big one mind, just a sneaky little one through to about 10am 7am and then I'm making Australia Day breakfast; pancakes topped with blueberries, strawberries, cream and lashings of maple syrup. Afterwards I'll probably hang around at home, read a little, maybe watch a movie or TV series...I'd like to stay off the computer as much as possible as I spend far too long looking at screens. We'll see how that goes though.

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I'm not a huge lover of sand which some of you may know, but I like the beach and so tolerate it...Albeit it with a lot of slapping and rinsing prior to getting into my vehicle. I actually spend quite a of of time at the beach all year round as our winters are temperate.

I enjoy strolling along next to the shore and wading through the water and, sometimes I even go for a swim. There's something relaxing about a swim in the ocean...unless one gets attacked by a shark and then things get a bit hectic. Don't worry though, our sharks generally only go after tourists and they never attack on Australia Day. Much.

The plan is a mid-afternoon beach walk and maybe an ice cream also. I'll probably take my book and read a bit and then later I'm having fish and chips on the beach whilst watching the sun go down. I know, that probably sounds boring to most but to me it's legit. A relaxing day doing relaxing things.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

All images are my own - Beaches I've been to Around Australia

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