BMW blackmails the Australian public over EVs


This story makes me very mad. BMW has basically come out as saying they will not sell pure electric vehicles to the Australian market unless the federal government steps in and gives them some handouts:

government-backed incentives, such as an investment in charging infrastructure, the deletion of stamp duty and luxury car taxes or lower registration costs, as well as long-term emission targets.

You know who already successfully sells electric vehicles to Australians? Tesla. You know who is investing in charging infrastructure? Tesla. You know who isn't sitting on their hands and waiting for daddy government to give then hand outs to sell their product to consumers who want to buy it? Tesla.

Basically to me this sounds like BMW admitting they can't compete and that they don't want to support their customers in any way apart from selling them a vehicle. Tesla have already said that they are happy to share their charging infrastructure with other EV manufacturers but they refuse the offer and instead are begging governments to build the infrastructure. And where pray tell will the money for the governments to do this come from? Well from tax payers of course. So basically BMW have decided to withhold their products until our government spends our money to build the infrastructure for their products before they will let us spend our money to buy their products. I think it's very clear where BMWs priorities lay.


I don't push this nearly enough however I do have a referral code for people who might want to buy a Tesla, using my code gets you the equivalent of $1400 AUD off the listed price[1] $700 AUD towards options and upgrades but more importantly it gives your Tesla unlimited lifetime free access to the Tesla Supercharger network:

So when your crypto portfolio moons don't even consider a vehicle from scroungers like BMW, just order a Tesla instead.




[1]: Reflect recent changes to the referral program

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