My RE&E Journey in Auz & Te Waipounamu: Day 28, A Great Ocean Road Adventure Begins

The Great Ocean Road runs from Torquay to Allansford along the southeastern coastline of Australia. Numerous renown surf locations and infinite majestic views dot the route, and today we traveled the eastern half of it.


The eastern entry point is benign, a simple sign and a roundabout. Soon, coastal stretches emerge as popular surf and caravan spots dot the highway. Our Monday drive saw numerous vehicles going the other direction toward the Melbourne area after a holiday weekend. We ventured onward, past beaches and towns that resembled my home of Southern California.


Then, a simple sign spanned the road. Another proclamation of the route we were venturing on. A bit more rustic, a bit more meaningful, for after this, the expansive views of the Bass Strait began. My travel partner began to appreciate the wide, stable track of our vehicle as we bobbed and wove along this windy highway.

Australia presents speed limits a bit differently than the U.S. does. There will be a general speed limit (80km here), with a "suggested" reduced speed when appropriate. For this road, 80 was never achieved. Too many tight turns too often, but I never felt unsafe. My passenger, who easily gets carsick, was unnerved by being on the ocean side, and by there being fewer barriers than back home.


Needing to make a toilet stop, we turned into a nondescript building that was the Great Ocean Road Chocolate Factory. Unfortunately well-located for two self-proclaimed chocoholics, we emerged with $200AUD of gifts and "samples". The collection featuring native herbs and spices was most enticing.

Then it was back on the road to our rented apartment in Apollo Bay. The views continued to get more and more majestic along this coastline exposed to the whims of the southern oceans.


Towards sunset, we reached our destination. A grocery stop, a fuel stop, and settling in completed, we walked to the beach for a final look back to a truly special stretch of scenery that I hope to return to, for there are beaches and trails for my feet to explore.


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