Three Steps to experience your Own AURA between your hands in TWO MINUTES, Step 1 -

Be completely casual. It works best on the off chance that you are resting level on your back, OK with your head on a pad. An incredible time to attempt this is once you're headed toward bed. Close your eyes and unwind.

Rest your elbows at your sides to take the heaviness of your arms. At that point bring both of your hands together over your paunch so that the fingertips of your left hand are touching the fingertips of your right hand. It will just about appear as though you're imploring. At the point when your hands are totally casual, your fingers will actually twist, they ought not be constrained straight. At the point when your fingertips are touching with your hands loose, there ought to be sufficient space between your palms that you could grasp a delicate ball. This is the beginning position.

Gradually pull your hands separated around 10 centimeters or 2 inches, then gradually push them back together once more, yet don't let your fingertips touch. On the off chance that your hands touch, you can no more feel the quality. The emanation leaving each of your hands will frame a zone of resistance between your hands, which you ought to have the capacity to feel as your hands are moving toward each other. It will feel as though you are holding an inflatable between your hands, and as your hands move together, you will feel the inflatable "crush".

Continue moving your hands gradually in and out, focusing on feeling a fanciful "inflatable" between your hands until you feel the resistance. Once you've found this resistance, you are currently feeling your quality. You can now begin moving your hands father separated, then back together again marginally to make a greater inflatable. With a little practice, you can feel your emanation between your outstretched hands, with your hands as much as 100 centimeters or 36 creeps separated.

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