The Human Aura

"The Human Energy Field (HEF), the Human Aura, is an energy field that surrounds human beings."

"Everyone has this energy field. It is a manifestation of energy, a luminous body, surrounding our physical body from all sides, from above and from bellow."

"The aura is directly connected to the energy vortices of the body, the seven chakras."

"The colors of aura can be seen as originating from the chakras and then blending in, creating an egg shaped field around the body."

"Emerging scientific evidence from the field of Quantum Physics is showing us that we are all interconnected."

"We are not separate beings, we are individuated beings. This individuation occurs through the conditioning of society, through the old Newtonian perspective of reality and the dual nature of reality."

"Because of this belief in dual nature of reality, we believe that we are separate beings."

"But, how do we know that we are interconnected?"

"We come to this knowing through our own experience."

"One way we experience this interconnectedness is through the human aura."

"Many people believe that you have to have special abilities to experience this subtle energy field. That is not my experience."

"You do not need any enhanced abilities, it is all within you, all you have to do is recognize that you have already experienced human auras."

"We can also experience the energy field of animals, plants, rocks, minerals, etc."

"Anything that is comprised of atoms (protons and electrons) will have a Universal Energy Field. This is because the protons and electrons are electrical and in constant motion. They are simply vibrating at a certain frequency."

"If you have a dog or a cat, you may have noticed that you sense how they are feeling. Whether they are calm, relaxed, anxious, or sad. This is your way of sensing their energy field. They do not communicate this to you in other way, you perceive it through their energy field. You are experiencing interconnectioness."
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