
What it would be like to happen to have 4 million people to really read what I'm writing right now. This is what for some reason got me to deciding to want to Post Today. And as I'm going about writing this thinking that exact sorta thing. Also it happens to be Friday the 13'th as well to and I figured either way why not. Yes this world 🌍 for sure is getting stranger by the day and I'm still wondering if I'm going to be one of the ones still around when we all are reveled what it is that's the reason for all that makes it so strange so much anymore. Because that will be a day when that will be a thing that happens to come about. Rather it be a good thing or not we'll all get to know why all this has come about. Until then we'll continue to try and discuss what ever that might be here on Today. I'm pretty sure this is only the beginning of a very long and short display of what life is becoming.

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