The future of prediction technology: Augur!

Augur is the future of the most advanced decentralized Prediction and forecasting technology in the world!
How it works?
Scientific research and studys have proven and shown that majority vote of predictions have shown to be the most accurate way of predicting variables or events and Augur uses this in blockchain decentralized system and encourages system use by allowing users to profit when they have correct predictions and lose augur when wrong prediction is made.
The future
Augur is the future of betting sytems and predictive computung as it allows the first decentralized system to use hive mind human thinking as a whole predictive unit and allowing open source access to forecasting information.

Worth investing? Augur is currently available on Poloniex Exchange as REP and market priced at about $30 I personally think that it is undervalued and a great investment option and has the potential to become ten fold greater and beyond given its incentives for users.

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