AR & VR Development history

It all begins in 1968 by Ivan Sutherland which allows them to display in real live the very simple wireframe drawing. The device used is the Optical see-trough head-mounted display that is tracked by one of two different 6DOF trackers (mechanical and ultrasonic tracker). Then in 1972, Dynabook is proposed by Alan Kay. This device has mechanical keyboard and a display to interact. Then a year later, a Motorola company inventor, Dr. Martin Cooper, presents the very first hand held mobile phone called DynaTAC (Dynamic Adaptive Total Area Coverage).

Later, the era of the laptop come about in 1982 which known as Grid compass 110. Move a couple years later, Tom Caudell and David Mizsell introduce the word “Augmented Reality” which means as the overlaying computer-presented material on top of the real world. Then in 1993, IBM and Bellsouth came up with the first smartphone, the IBM Simon Personal Communicator. In this year there are many development; Loomis et. al introduce the prototype of an Outdoor navigation system for visually impaired, follows by Firzmaurice with his Chameleon, then this year end with the GPS (Global Positioning System) achieves initial operational capabilities and the Apple Newton Message Pad 100 as the earliest commercial personal digital assistant (PDA) which is equipped with stylus and handwritten recognition, and feature a screen in black and white of 336 x 240 pixel.

From here the path is cleared to the 2014-2015 development of AR & VR where Microsoft introduce the Hololens headset that has the capabilities to fuse the AR and VR, which then followed by other big player such as Apple, Google, and Facebook.

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