Right in front of me while waching the eobot numbers spin

gone. Blink .0018999 btc gone. Out of nowhere suddenly my hard earned btc from mining and hodling from the past half year disappeare. Refresh refresh. I pressed no transaction confirmation. Wth. For the next hellish three hours i am wondering who hacked me? Eastern africa? My badoo scammer? My ex-girlfriend who was present in my room? I curse like a sailor and threaten the universe with a king baby moment like no other. Of course i am to explain myself to her but i couldnt explan it, i could barely cut and paste i was so dmbfounded. If blockchain fails me i give up i said. The address did seem familiar and i spent hour lookimh over the tx id. It wasnt liz it wasnt misty it wasnt minergate. I finally found it. I was the tip me btc of my eobot public profile. I still dont understand. Eobot works in mysterious ways. It is not a true wallet i need to place the btc in a cold wallet with a 12 key word poem. Funny thing is my nightmare day had just begun.....whilst in hell best be demonic or suffer like the rest.©️ It was that bad

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