I'm Back- Movie Reviews, Tommy Fox Travels, Book releases & Poetry.

I know, I have had more comebacks than Frank Sinatra...

I have decided to squeeze some time in to blogging on this account again. After 2 weeks of being away,  I realised how important Steemit was as an integral part of my blogging world.

So @sarahewaring has been looking after my blog pieces and now it is back over to @aubreyfox. Later I will be firing out some movie reviews and introducing our little mascot, Tommy Fox.

I won't be serialising any books on here, but I will be supporting creative writing pieces, excerpts and ideas for future publications. Plus, I will be sharing Tommy Fox Adventure blogs.

I'm really excited to get things moving again with Steemit and my new expanded themes.

My website blog is now up and running and it's working really well for me. All my Steemit blogs will feature on there too.


www.theimmaturestudent.com (Sister blog)

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