Exploring Camp 30 - ASW - №.15 - Mega Photo Dump - Bonus Video Included!


Below you will find my submission to the Abandoned Shit Weekly Contest - №.15 -FREESTYLE

NOTE : Photos appear throughout this post - No specific order - All pictures are from the adventure in question -Just trying to break up the text - I know the Announcement post said we didn't have to write a novel - But hell, I Love writing.


Who wants to play some B-Ball - Shirts or skins?

I'm doing my best to engage with different communities on Steemit. One of the best ways I've found of doing so is through contests. Recently, I was scrolling through the New tab under contests when I came across @Customnature 's announcement for the Abandoned Shit Weekly Contest - №.15. I was totally unaware that there was a community based around this kind of thing here. I've got to say I'm totally stoked! Urban Exploring was a passion of mine for a few years and I've got quite a bit of content to share.


At the time of finding this - The paper was about 9 years old!

Seeing as this is my first time entering this contest I figured what better way to do so than by sharing my very first experience Exploring an abandoned place!! Had to dust off some old Western Digital hard drives and scour through about 10,000 pictures before I was finally able to find the stuff in this post. I've since become much better at cataloging my images. The majority of these were taken using either A Samsung Galaxy s2 - Or - A Samsung 12 MP point and shoot. But I think I still pulled off some pretty decent shots.


The Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd - Graffiti found in one of the hallways of the dormitories

I also brought along a JVC HD digital camcorder - And My buddy and I took turns shooting a bit of video. I stayed up till about 5 am Thursday night cutting the footage together. To be honest - It wasn't all that great to start with - But I did what I could. Kind of just putting lipstick on a pig. - NOTE - I've placed the video at the bottom of the post because part of the rules stated you must have taken the photo(Video) yourself - As the video was filmed by 2 people I've chosen to include it only as supplementary material - It's not meant to be seen as an official part of my submission. Just an added BONUS - As the title suggests.


Members in Christ Assemblies - A sign out-front of the property

When I woke up around 9am that day that day I had no idea I'd end up where I did. I did the usual - Made a coffee and went out to my garage to have a smoke. About half way through the smoke I heard the sound of a sports car idling in my driveway. Confused I came out to see a black Hyundai Genesis parked at the end of it. Behind the wheel was my buddy Justin - Who our circle refers to as Newfie - Why? - That's a story for another time. Focus! We smoked something green while we caught up - Reminiscing - Laughing our freaking asses off for a good 20 minutes. I hadn't been in Genesis yet so we decided to go for a drive. About 20 minutes into the drive we ended up in the boonies.

"Wanna see some cool shit ? " He asked with a wide grin.

" Uh Hellz yeah! " I answered - I don't actually talk like that - Just don't remember what I said.

" Alright check this out " He replied just before turning down a dusty access road.


Yeah. That's Blood - Take my word for it

We continued on for another 10 minutes or so. Suddenly old decrepit buildings began to reveal themselves from behind trees - Over grown shrubbery and wildly tall grass. It turns out he'd only just driven by once before after hearing about how to get there from another friend.


Some of the many buildings in the complex I - The left was Dorms & Right was the Cafeteria

There's a good shot of a directory sign in the video but I'll give you a quick run down of some of the different buildings, amenities and" highlights".

Basketball courts
Dorm rooms
Fire damage
Swimming pool
Tunnels under the whole complex - No access - They had been Filled in
Homeless camps
T-T-T-Tons of graffiti - Some of it insanely creepy

Candy Room? WTF is a Candy Room?..... Keep scrolling....


" Oh thats not so bad "........ Keep Scrolling



" This Clown Is Full Of Candy " - Well no shit! There was nightmare fuel waiting around every corner- But I promise - No more Clowns. Pinky swear!

This place was massive. Sprawling! HUGE! There was a ton a ground to cover so we moved around pretty quickly. Everything had long begun the process of being reclaimed by nature.


Here a dare. There a dare. Everywhere a double dare!- Weird shit like this was scrawled all over the walls

Animals were everywhere and insisted on jumping out of the shadows every 5 minutes scaring the ever loving shit out of us. We were constantly on edge - Although you wouldn't know that based on how excited we seem in the video. On more than one occasion there were voices that seemed to be following us. I'm not saying there was anything supernatural happening but I'm positive there were people there that wanted to stay hidden - For whatever reason.


A shot looking into the cafeteria.

Even though this was one of the more open spaces - I remember feeling super uncomfortable there. The walk-in freezers & refrigerators had been swept out and somewhat cleaned - Bed rolls on the ground. Needles. Spoons. Beer cans and plastic bottles of Russian Prince Vodka all over the place. After a quick trip up to the roof we moved on to some of the other buildings.


Here's a shot (I believe) from a portion of the cafeterias roof - NOTE: Climbing on to the roof of an abandoned building is incredibly stupid!

I love me some Fallout - I think thats part of the allure of Urban Exploring. It's like being in the capitol wasteland or something. The whole campus felt like it was straight out of a video game. But my favorite part of was surely the recreation center. The swimming pool and Basketball court looked amazing - I hate using this term because its become so Hipster but it had a certain aesthetic to it. Fuck me I'll regret typing that.


"We came in peace, Assholes" - From inside the swimming pool - IF you go to any of these places treat them with respect don't be a dick and draw on anything

We toured the grounds a bit more and made our exit just as the sun began setting. The last thing we wanted was to be in any of the buildings in the dark. Mainly because i dint want to get dragged into the candy room by a demon junkie or something.

Mini history lesson incomming!!

All in all I had an amazing time exploring this location. So much to see. So what was it?.... Well it started as a boys school in the 1920's but it was made famous in the 40's because..... Drum Roll please ....... It was converted into a POW Camp for captured high-ranking German soldiers during WW2.


One of the many fire damaged rooms - Chair was there when I arrived

Known as Camp 30 - Located near Bowmanville Ontario. In total there was 18 different buildings and the property covered a total of 40 Hectares or 400,000 square meters. Afterwards it was converted back to a school - Where at one point a student murdered the Principle on school property. Various organizations used it as such until 2008 when it was vacated by a private Islamic university - In 2013 it was declared a National Historical site of Canada. History lesson over.......


Damaged Window in the basement of one of the buildings


One of the many tunnels.


Newfie snagging some footage in the pool.


I cant be the only one who wants to play Tony Hawk Pro Skater now !


Live Long and Prosper. - Luke Skywalker. -

Any-who - I hope you enjoyed - I know I kind of went overboard - But my reason for Doing so is that I want to move on from older content - If I have it and I can use it - There is less incentive for me to get out and take new pictures & Video.

Thanks for stopping by
Say what up in the comments!!


Christ I've got some sexy ass legs!!

If you want to improve your writing speed and accuracy try using something like 10fastfingers

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