Will Asura Coin Transform Esports On The Blockchain

Will Asura Coin Transform Esports On The Blockchain

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Episode Highlights:
00:03 – Asura Coin
00:41 – Esport Industry
04:40 – Asura Coin
07:59 – The Roadmap
09:29 – The Asura Team
11:26 – The Whitepaper
12:14 – One-Pager
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Hey, what’s up, guys? It’s Dan again from crypto Camacho

00:03 – ASURA COIN
And hey guys today I have an exciting ICO for you that I want to review. I think this is going to be a game changer in the video game, in the eSports competitive industry right. So, first, before I even jump into you know the coin itself, I want to look at the eSports industry. Well, let me just show you a coin I want to review first I guess let me jump over to that. So, the coin today that I want to review is Asura coin the ultimate eSports game-changer right. And the crowd sale is live and starts on June 2nd which is in four days 15 hours and 12 minutes and 36 seconds.

So first, before I jump into this particular ICO, in general I want to talk about the eSports industry and just show you the potential of this market, of this platform, and this ICO ultimately in what they’re trying to achieve with their ICO, with their platform and so on. I think this is going to be a big opportunity for those that are paying attention. So, guys let’s first look at Google and let’s just type in eSports market size right. So, what is the market size of the eSports industry right? It’s a very, very big industry. The revenues this year will reach 696 million that’s according to newzoo.com which is the first thing that pops up on at Google. So, 696 million this year and will grow to 1.5 billion by 2020 which is literally one and a half years away. So, it’s going to essentially triple in the next year and a half this industry is going to triple right. And so, if you can kind of think about or extrapolate this in terms of Blockchain and cryptocurrency, what is the impact going to be? So not only is the industry itself going to grow three times in the next year and a half, but it’s going to be facilitated by Blockchain and cryptocurrency enabling you to directly participate in the growth of this industry by directly investing in cryptocurrencies that are trying to really master the eSports gaming industry right. And so I’m going to get into this particular ICO Asura coin and show you how it relates…but let’s just look at this chart really quick right. So, shows kind of the eSports audience growth from 2015 through 2020 right. And the audience growth itself is quite great, quite staggering, quite impressive right. so, you have 115 million in 2015 folks interested in this cryptocurrency are…sorry interested in eSports then in 2017 now we’re seeing 191 million people which is a 20% year of your growth and in 2020 we’re going to see approximately 286 million users in this particular market right. Asia-pacific accounts for a 51% of eSports enthusiasts. So, it’s worth noting that as well because that’s going to be relevant when I talk about Asura coin which is based on the Neo coin. The Neo Blockchain cryptocurrency right; Makes sense that’s all based in Asia. Neo is a competitor to a lot of other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and so on. And so make sense that they’re going to be choosing neo but we’ll get into that in a second. Next if we go over to eSports games and we just look at you know what is eSports in general right. so, eSports really it’s the ability to go and play a variety of different games, different video games and compete against other users and essentially bet whether or not you know one user or another user is going to win in a particular game right. There’s a lot of variation to that. There’s a lot of nuance depending on the game you’re playing, depending on how many people are playing the game, depending on how the competition has been set up so forth and so on but that’s essentially it right. you can play these video games, you can compete with anybody around the world, you can compete individually, you compete as teams and you can essentially make bets to bet the other team or bet the other players of who’s going to win that particular battle, that particular game, a particular strategy whatever it may be right. So, it’s really playing video games with an incentive to win money. If you actually win the video game competition, that’s been set up right. so, in a nutshell that’s really what eSports are. Now I want to go over to you know this article really quickly. Competitive video gaming will be a $1.5 billion industry by 2020. So, I just did talk about that a little bit, this gives a little bit more of a breakdown of the eSports revenue an audience growth by 2020 from 2015 right. So, you can see this market is poised to really, really grow very, very significantly in the year or two to come right.

04:40 – ASURA COIN
Okay, so let’s look at the coin itself right. So, the coin I’m talking about is Asura coin the ultimate eSports game-changer. It looks very, very, very interesting. The fact that I can go on and bet against somebody while playing a video game is actually quite compelling and I could actually bet against others that are playing against themselves right. So, I could just bet on a particular match like I would bet on a sports team right. Like a football team or a baseball team or whatever I bet on the World Series. I could bet on video game competitions as well. So, Asura coin is bringing this whole industry to the Blockchain. They’re going to enable global regulations to make this a global worldwide market. They’re going to put this concept on the Neo Blockchain to remove any type of middleman that would need to facilitate transactions between users or teams, and video games, developers you know kind of the whole bit is going to be wrapped up all in this Neo Blockchain so, that you could withdraw, you can deposit, you can make these bets seamlessly across the Neo watching right. Security obviously won’t be an issue because they’re leveraging Neo Blockchain which is very, very secure up there with the Ethereum and others. So, the thing that’s cool about this is you can structure however you want the rules to make bets on whatever types of games you want and then you can profit based on how you set up the deals themselves. So, you can essentially craft your own strategy of how you’re going to play these video games, of how you’re going to bet on tournaments in these video games to actually make money by winning and by betting smartly on these different games that are being played right. so, on the platform itself you’ll be able to do live-streaming, you’ll be able to set up betting rules that are oriented to making money. You’re going to be able to do community bets or individual bets like I just talked about. You’re going to be able to earn Commission’s by engaging with the platform itself. You’re going to be able to learn from some of the best video game players in the world and you’re going to be able to know who those people are, because all the statistics the reviews, all of the winners, losers, odds everything that you would need to do to track all this information will be encoded and stored on the Blockchain itself. So, it can be pulled up aggregated and really looked at any point in time to get insights of who the best players are, what the best games are who’s actually playing these games and how they’re actually winning these games you can actually learn from them, so that you can tweak your strategy to actually make more money and start investing in games and tournaments and betting on players that you think will actually win so, that you can make more money right. So, it’s taking betting and eSports to a whole new level right. Because traditionally, you would bet on sports teams right; you’d bet on football teams, baseball teams, soccer teams, you know whatever it may be and you would make these bets just like in Vegas or you know wherever different casinos are different betting channels. If you will you’d make these bets but now you can make these bets on video games and you could actually yourself be engaged in these video games and make bets while playing. It’s pretty, pretty cool concept right. there’s going to be worldwide tournaments people can bet against and bet on for these games and these games are you know all over the place I’m going to show you a demo of the platform in a second. here’s kind of a quick snapshot of it. But there’s a variety of games you can play and bet on. So, I want to get to that in just a sec.

Here’s the roadmap; I’m not going to spend a whole lot of time on that. You guys can go check that out. Here’s the token sale detail; the token sale will start June 2nd, 2018. So, you have about four days. It will end on June 30th. They’re trying to raise a hard cap of $12 million the first you know folks that invest in this ICO in the first 24 hours will get a 20% discount on this token. The token price will be one Neo is equal to 5,000 ASI or Asura coins.

So, you can kind of do the calculation on that. The maximum supply is going to be 1 billion tokens. So, I imagine this is going to start off fairly, fairly inexpensive but can quickly rise in price as the market goes up, the market size increases, the audience increases. You know the efficiency increases in terms of creating these bets right. So, to date they already have an audio they already have a platform set up and here are some of the stats behind that which makes me feel like this team is solid. This platform is solid. I am bullish on Asura because the sheer market sizes because of how addicting you know not only video games are but how addicting gambling is right. You marry video games and gambling together and you got kind of a match made in heaven for folks that like gambling and playing video games right. And this lets you directly invest and compete with others and make money for your efforts while playing video games is pretty cool. Pretty, pretty cool concept guys.

Okay, so here is the team; check them out of course a lot of different sponsors, a lot of different reviews have gone into this. If you look at their telegram channel, there you have 20,000 folks on their telegram channel. On Twitter they already have 9,000 followers on

Twitter. So, they are going to rise through the ranks fairly quickly. I want to show you a demo if you click on, there’s a demo button in here somewhere you can actually look at a demo and I also want to show you a one-pager. So, give me one sec here. Here’s the demo guys. so, here’s a serie world, here’s the platform that they already have and you can already go take a look at this and look at all the different games that you can play. You play Dota 2, league legends, you can play csgo. There are just a number of games that you can play and if you click on one of the games, you could see how the bets are set up right. You can see what the odds are. You can see you know how the bets are going who the players are, and you could actually bet against them by entering a stake in that particular game or tournament right. So, you have to log in to actually get the details. So, I’m not logged in right now but I wanted to show you how this is actually working and how it’s going to work in the future right. So, if I click on dota or data I don’t even know how. I’m not a gamer. So, I don’t really know exactly how it’s pronounced, but if I click on it doesn’t work. No. Okay, so let’s…so, betting let’s click on dota okay, that game will pop up I can see if there’s any upcoming tournaments and this is obviously pretty new. So, there are not a whole lot of tournaments but you can see the matches between the players that are being set up. You can bet on whatever one you want. You can see a second match here and you could and who can actually make a stake you know however you want. So, the odds I’m betting against this game in this particular match the odds are 3 to 2 right. So, anyway that’s how the platform is going to work by betting on and playing these different video games so, quite interesting right.

Okay, so here’s the whitepaper for Asura coin and I want to just give you a sneak peek at this. It’s very well written, I highly recommend you go and read it talks about eSports talks about the market size, which I’ve already talked about to some degree but definitely go dig into here because it breaks down the details even more. This actually breaks down the platform itself in the games and the vision of how they’re going to build out the platform, how they’re going to build out an ecosystem that is built on the Neo Blockchain. They’re going to break that down in this white paper on how they’re planning on monetizing their ecosystem, by leveraging Blockchain and the Neo Blockchain right. So, here’s kind of a quick snapshot of how the voting the community votes will work. I’m not going to break this down but you could look through this yourself.

12:14 – ONE-PAGER
The main thing I want to leave you with guys is here’s a one-pager. You should definitely check this out if you go to their site asuracoin.io and it gives an overview. I do want to read this overview really quick. So, I think it’s important. The Asura coin is an eSports platform built on the Neo Blockchain that allows gamers the opportunity to bet, compete, learn, discuss and earn. The platform will allow for live-streaming community, betting and commissions to further fund future events. Users will be able to choose which tournaments are hosted on the platform through monthly voting. And will also have the ability to place bets through a game oriented immersive betting system. To maintain Asura ability to host monthly tournaments, a percentage of winnings will be deposited into a monthly prize pool. Asura will utilize smart contracts to enable community voted unique betting rules which will be created by users. Users will be able to suggest betting markets based on the functionality supported by a games API and support them for voting. and those highly rated markets will be audited to automatically provide odds using the smart contract to transparently provide the information. Asura also aims to provide a precious professional in-depth game guides to coach players on play the games, how to you know use better strategies, how to predict different outcomes so forth and so on. So, this is quite, quite cool. Actually if I was a gamer, I would be in heaven right because I mean this is just crazy. They’re marrying video games with, with gambling, with Blockchain. I mean this is like a sure winner, like I don’t know how much better it can get a decentralized distributed type of platform, an ecosystem that enables gambling, enables playing video games and now enables you to compete with your friends is freaking awesome. I mean this is crazy and the market size is growing at three times in the next year and a half. I mean if there couldn’t be a better ICO to invest in, you know I don’t know what it would be. I mean there’s obviously a lot of good ICO to invest in. I’m not recommending you go spend all of your hard-earned cash on investing in a short coin, but I am saying that there is definitely a potential opportunity to make a good amount of money or good ROI from the Asura coin ICO. I’m just calling it as it is guys. Do you want to know about competition? Check out their one-pager right here. Gives you notes and details about all the competition, about what the competition is offering first blood, engine, D markets so forth and so on. Asura coin is sure to be a winner compared to all the others guys.

I’m Dan from cryptoCamacho.com. And I want you guys to check out Asura coin at least be aware of it, apply for the whitelist because at least you’ll get information about it right. And you’ll at least be able to make an educated decision about it. Again I’m not a financial adviser; I am NOT your mother. So, I’m not telling you to go throw all your money into this coin, but I am telling you I think it’s bullish after looking at you know hundreds of ICOs this one is clearly going to perform well in the years to come. I’m Dan from cryptoCamacho.com and if you can’t please click on that little red button to subscribe to my YouTube channel if you like what you see. And I’ll give you updates every single day on how you can make some money in cryptocurrency during its crypto crazy revolution. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.

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