**Getting Over Guilt**

November 2017 AstroMotivation Forecast

By GiGi Astro Sosnoski: Keep Looking Up! Ltd. / Positive Skies Ltd.

Getting Over Guilt!

“No amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of worrying can change the future!” - O. Gbenga

Feelings of guilt. We all have them. They're part of life, learning and personal growth. Each of us has at some point felt unsettled over something that was said or done – or that wasn't! Guilt used properly can help us take corrective action, be more mindful of others or indicate ways for self-improvement. Guilt's purpose isn't to make us feel bad - it's to help us learn from our experiences! But for many, guilt can become destructive when we can't get over it. Holding on to guilt, replaying situations or conversations over and over again in our mind, does nothing but increase pain and erode self-belief. It's time to get over the guilt!

Guilt is all too often a way of punishing ourselves. It can be a self destructive thought pattern that becomes all consuming, degrading you, preventing you from living in the moment and keeping you a prisoner in the past. Dealing properly with any regrets, learning the lessons and releasing the holds they have on us, is part of our mental, emotional and spiritual healing. Forgiveness is key. First, forgive yourself. No one is perfect. Then forgive the situation. Harping on what happened in the past does not fix it for the future or provide you with positive feelings toward yourself or others.

Mix-ups, mess-ups and mistakes happen. To everyone. It's an important part of our learning curve! Holding on to the burden of guilt only brings continuous stress and solves nothing. Misdoings and misunderstandings are a function of life. The only way we grow is by acknowledging it, considering how to do it better in the future and then releasing any feelings of remorse that go with it. Apologize and make amends if it's your fault, stop fretting about it if it wasn't, but either way learn the lesson and then get on with your life!

The Astrological energies for November encourage us to look within, be aware of our feelings and release any regretful thoughts we may have. This in turn will give us a healthier sense of emotional balance, resulting in greater happiness, health and harmony in all we do! Here's what YOU can look forward to in your guilt-free Motivational Astrology forecast for November:

  • 4 November (3rd in U.S.A.): Full Moon in Taurus – Enjoyment Illuminated! The taste, touch, sight, sounds and fragrance of life is magnified now, helping us to appreciate more of the “joy factor” in all that we do! Concern over creating greater comfort, stability and prosperity in our lives is highlighted as we begin a new cycle of pleasure! We are encouraged to honour those things that we value while relinquishing what's no longer pleasing or provides us with a sense of security. Use this earthy lunar energy to cultivate greater artistry, love and beauty in your world along with embracing your dreams and desires for the future!

  • 6 November (5th in U.S.A.): Mercury enters Sagittarius - Grow your Vision! An enthusiastic time for growing positive self-expression, expansive thought and new optimism in your life! Over the next few weeks we can jump into prosperous projects, exciting opportunities and broadening adventures, urging our far-reaching visions to manifest! Use this eager-to-grow energy to expand your horizons through new learning, travel, advantageous connections or inspiring initiatives! You have the power to make your big plans come to life now – so take a leap of faith!

  • 8 November (7th in the U.S.A.): Venus into Scorpio – Affectionate Expression! As we welcome this new cycle of intense Venus expression, our love interests, sensuality and need-to-connect feelings become more fervent! Greater passion and seductive energy encourages us to find new romance or share our strong sentiments with a significant other! This is a deeply emotional time when we're eager to make positive changes in our lives in order to feel more fulfilled. Our healing and intuitive powers are stronger, too – prompting us to align with those who feel as intensely as we do! Use this time to envision what you need for a more satisfying relationship and then help your heart-energy to manifest it!

  • 19 November (18th in the U.S.A.): New Moon in Scorpio – Passions & Purpose! This is a powerful time to initiate your plans, passions and purpose in order to bring your desires and dreams to fruition. This New Lunar Light offers greater understanding of our deeper feelings and assists us in pursuing further transformation in our lives! In the sign of Scorpio, our inner workings, intuitive sense and passionate feelings are all highlighted. Deeper appreciation of our psychic, healing and intuitive powers can also be felt now, helping us to transcend any challenges that have recently been experienced. This is a time of renewal, of new beginnings and the promise of a fresh start regarding the important issues of our lives! Use this day to catapult yourself closer to your passions and purpose!

  • 22 November (21st in U.S.A.): Sun into Sagittarius – Grow Your Optimism! A new month long cycle of expansive expression, encouraging activities and positive feeling begins! As the Sun roars into this outgoing and thrill-seeking fire sign, we find more courage to advance our far-reaching dreams! Opening ourselves now to greater opportunity, possibility thinking and freedom-loving adventures inspires more confidence and abundance in our lives! Tap into higher minded expression, philosophical awareness and happiness harvesting now in order to surmount any challenge! What new journey or enthusiastic adventure can you embark on this month?

  • Mars and the Outer Planets stay in a sign for a longer period of time, so their effect on us is more gradual, but significant none the less. Here they are in their current positions:

  • Mars is in Libra all month: As the planet of activity couples with the sign representing relationships, artistry and balance, we'll strive for more harmony and beauty in our lives and with each other. Greater creativity and the need to interact is enhanced, so use this time to cultivate connections and express your aesthetic visions! This is an excellent time for sharpening your conflict management skills or finding a creative project that brings holistic and therapeutic benefits. Be mindful however of indecision, passive-aggressive behavior or vacillating between the pros and cons of taking action. Instead of provoking others, use the energies at hand to express diplomacy and artistry. Mars will be in Libra until 10 December 2017.

  • Jupiter is in Scorpio all month: As the planet representing expansion and opportunity moves through the Mars-ruled sign of Scorpio, we start a new cycle of intensity, passion and transformation. We'll now experience greater determination to achieve our desires, heightened passion in pursuing our goals, and deeper intensity in expressing our feelings. Jupiter magnifies whatever sign it is in, and in the water sign of Scorpio, our sensitivities will be emphasized, offering us a chance to grow emotionally and intuitively. Additionally, metaphysical concerns, healing energy, mysticism and desire to bring to light the truth in all matters will also be highlighted. There will be greater concern for the deeper issues of life as we seek the answers to universal understanding. This is a time when we are being urged to focus on our similarities rather than differences in order to create a more peaceful future. Jupiter will be in Scorpio until 9 November 2018.

  • Saturn in Sagittarius all month: As the planet representing Responsibility and Structure continues forward in the sign of optimism, we're encouraged to release our fears, doubts and insecurities, while exposing cracks in the foundation of our lives and finding the root element of what may be holding us back. As we emotionally and mentally investigate our inward issues we can uncover much about what undermines our progress. By getting to the heart of the matter we can focus more on solutions, gaining strength to surmount any challenge! This is an ideal cycle for realigning, reviewing and reconnecting with our true purpose, readdressing the steps that need to be put into place to achieve our goals. Saturn will be in Sagittarius until 21 December 2017.

  • Uranus Retrograde in Aries all month: As the planet of Innovation continues it's Retrograde cycle in this independent and assertive sign, we are encouraged to reflect on what we need for greater freedom in our lives. By embracing unique forms of self expression, liberation from oppression, new technology and inventive pioneering action we find new insights and advancement in our lives and world! Strength, assertive action, inspirational vision, intuitive understanding, advanced technology and new innovation is forthcoming, helping us to open up to new dimensions. Uranus will be in Aries until 7 March 2019.

  • Neptune Retrograde in Pisces (Direct on 23rd): While the planet ruling dreams and creativity continues its Retrograde motion, in its ruling sign of Pisces, we are encouraged to honor more of our spiritual awareness, artistic inspiration and intuitive insight! Greater appreciation for the beautify around us as well as within us is highlighted. We-are-all-one compassion is emphasized along with further need for humanitarian expression. Readdressing ways to embrace greater sympathy and empathy along with universal understanding is highlighted. Neptune will be in Pisces until 31 March 2025.

  • Pluto in Capricorn all month: As the planet of Transformation continues its long journey through this sober sign, we get serious about making positive changes to ourselves and our world. The overall theme of this cycle is uncovering the misuse of power and authority to enable change for the better. It represents a major time of rediscovery, review and reconsideration that brings transformation to our society, government, world order and Mother Earth. It also pushes to think about the changes we want to make to our belief structures and our power as individuals and as a whole. This pairing will continue until 24 March 2023.

  • Chiron in Pisces: As the “wounded healer” moves through the sign of sensitivity, compassion and understanding, we have the ability to open our hearts to others while working to heal ourselves. Greater spiritual awareness, empathy and intuition can be gained during this time but it's important not to loose ourselves in the effort to assist others. Keeping personal boundaries in place is key for self care too. Chiron will be in Pisces until April 2018.

Bright Blessings and Best Wishes to YOU for a wonderful November!
With Warmth, Heart and StarLight,
-GiGi Sosnoski

GiGi Sosnoski is a New York City Astrologer based in New Zealand, as well as a Motivational Coach, Motivational Speaker, Planetary Intuitive, Workshop facilitator, Writer of monthly Motivational articles and a Radio and TV contributor (TVNZ's Good Morning show, Erin Simpson show, Fresh FM and the Breeze Radio to name a few). As a Life Enthusiast, her passion is sharing upliftment and inspiration with others using her Motivational Astrology. Encouraging people to get excited about their lives, their abilities, their relationships and their futures is what she does best! Contact GiGi to help yourself find greater awareness, confidence and further understanding of your true potential as seen in your unique Astrology chart! Motivational Astrology Readings by Phone, Skype or at GiGi's Keep Looking Up offices: 09 950-6760 (Auckland) 425-629-7346 (U.S.A.)

GiGi Astro Sosnoski was first introduced to Astrology when she was 10 years old, and went on to turn her love for the subject into her life's passion “Motivational Astrology”! Giving Astrology readings and Motivational Life Coaching sessions to thousands of clients, from all walks of life and from all over the world, for over 25 years, is what gives GiGi the experience, knowledge and know-how to guide and direct others successfully!

Astrology is a wonderful tool for self-awareness, self-activation and self-actualization. Properly used, Astrology gives us great insight into how we can improve our lives, relationships, business and the situations around us. What is ahead for you? How can you utilize your individual Astrological energies to make the best of what's to come in love, work, finance, family, health, creative fulfillment and spiritual advancement? Having a Motivational Astrology session with GiGi will give you the answers you seek – and more! Help yourself to make the right decisions for you and your future! Wherever your location, contact GiGi today for an appointment for an in-person, phone or Skype session: Keep Looking Up / Positive Skies

With Warmth, Heart and StarLight,
GiGi Sosnoski
KeepLookingUp - Motivational Astrology
Keep Looking Up Ltd. / Positive Skies Ltd.
World-wide Motivational Astrology and Motivational Coaching
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