Mercury Retrograde Tarot Reading ♌

The Messenger of the Gods

Dropping in to tell you to spell check your emails before pressing "send".


Tid Bits of Context

Mercury just entered its Retrograde phase, and I am already feeling the effects that this placement will bring! Reconnecting with ghosts from the past, reviving forgotten studies, and reconstructing outdates business practices. Personally, I am intrigued what this will hold for all of us on the other side (and also hoping that I will not suffer another cell phone/car malfunction). All jokes aside, I aim to change the dialogue on Retrogrades. When I talk to people about what these phases can teach us, I am frequently met with negativity, spiritual bypassing, and just a general lack of awareness of how retrograde planets can act as a catalyst for growth, but it takes a whole lot of WORK.

Three Major Component

1.What Mercury Governs
2.Mercury & Leo Energy
3.Retrograde Characteristics


Mercury is the planet of thought, communication, and intelligence. It is our ability to assess the world, our behavior, and the behavior of others in a logical/rational way. It represents our learning style and the way we share our perception of the world with others. It is also rules transactions, travel, and technology, so it can become easy to blame Mercury Retrograde for so many mix ups

Leo Energy

Leo energy is childlike, theatrical, and creative. It is warmth in expression, but that confidence and charisma may come off as arrogance to the untrained eye. Leo energy can make for a difficult time when handling criticism, so be aware of your own false confidence and seek the truth (even if it is not on your side). Most of all, don't let doubters dull your shine, because this Leo light is too powerful to waste.


Retrogrades are planetary phases where a planet appears to be moving backwards. Our thoughts tend to be focused on the past, and as I'm sure some of you know, it is not the easiest time to begin something new (You do you though. I'm all about going against the grain.).

Energy spirals inward, and we're less tuned into each other's frequencies. Therefore, outgoing signals between one another are not always well received. Miscommunication errors galore and resulting frustration if we are not compassionate and understanding towards each other during our current energetic climate.

But what do all these energies mean when we mix them all together!?!?!??
Well, we're all taking a trip down memory lane in regard to all things Leo (Especially considering the it will also be Leo Sun Season. Ultimately, further energizing all of these coming effects). We're traveling back in time to remember what ignites our fire, so that we can enthusiastically communicate the love that exists in LIFE.

Slow down & turn inward
Review, Reflect, and Triple Check
Return to the places where you are celebrated

The Spread

Card One: A Message from Mercury
Card Two: What must we revisit and heal collectively?
Card Three: Our Lesson

The Cards


A Message From Mercury

Prince of Wands

Mercury is here to tell us to embrace this Leo energy. Step into the flames and accept whatever mishaps may occur, because it is all necessary in pursuit our collective goal.

Harness the fixed fire energy of Leo, and in remembering its frequency, we will have access to the abundance that has always been with(in) us.

Do not confine yourself and put your heart into all that you do. Be tactical, but allow space in your life for that powerful creative energy to flow through you. If you don't feel that spark of confidence yet, fake it til you make it, because now is the time to be an active participant in.

What must we revisit and heal collectively?

9 of Wands (Swiftness)

~Corresponds to Mercury in Sagittarius~

We are being called to look back on the times in our lives where there seemed to be no place for the truth. Those moments where we took too long to react, and lost that "moment". These memories that now bring the shoulda, coulda, wouldas. We were too polite, too anxious, too quiet, and now we feel a bit cheated, because we did not act on opportunity.

Be prepared to dig your toes in, because there's a lot of energy with this card. It is just what we need though. Forgive and release all those missed steps, because we're meant to blast off into this next phase of spiritual expansion like a bolt of lightning.

In the future, don't be a bystander in moments where your community is differentiating what moral/ethical standards to uphold. Take the action necessary to transform any situation by using clear language and a swift tongue.

Our Lesson

Knight of Swords

This is a Mercurial card indeed and right now it relates to uniting the aspects of both fire and air. During these times when ours words may be misunderstood and confusion is at a high, it is important to not only be swift, but intuitive about how we deliver our message. Cleverness will be necessary when trying to harmonize conflicting perspectives, so think about the type of energy we need to put behind our words in regard to the context. How do we generate meaning in our words for others? How will they best receive our message? Do they need to see some intensity, eagerness, or integrity in our speech? Utilize the diversity within language, nonverbal communication, tone of voice, etc.

Ultimately, we are just going to be purifying our communication skills. This retrograde will be like an intense weight training, but when the conditioning phase is over, we will be more decisive about where we wish to go, and how we are going to get there. We are going to be forced to think outside of the box to come up with solutions for the challenges to come. The Knight of Swords doesn't give up without a fight, and neither should we.

Final Thoughts On Mercury

When considering how this retrograde will manifest in your life subjectively, compare your natal chart to the current planetary transits. What house will Mercury be in? What aspects is it making to your natal placements. If you already know these details, please share them below, and give your interpretation of how you think this current energetic climate will help you to grow. In the case that you don't know how to access these details, feel free to comment below, and I'll help you out. If you don't feel comfortable leaving a comment, shoot me an email -

Astrology & Tarot Shop


Personal Mercury Retrograde Readings are available at my shop. In addition, I'm available for single card, 3 card, past life, and relationship readings that come at a discount if you use the code below.


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Love & Light to All
💜 🔥💜

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