Aries Energy: 7 Common Characteristics

Are you an Aries or have a prominent Aries placement in your chart? Time to embrace and let your Aries energy and nature shine! Here are 7 characteristics of being an Aries. This may resonate with people who are also not an Aries sun at all. This is because we all hold each of the signs in our natal charts somewhere. Some of us just have more prominent placements than others.



7 Characteristics of Aries Energy:

  1. We have a strong need for independence.
    We have a very strong need to be independent and on our own. We love to do things for ourselves, be there for ourselves, and accomplish things by ourselves. When others want to help us it can almost seem like an insult because we feel we are fully capable and typically, we are. However, this can sometimes give others the wrong impression about our motives. It is not that we don't appreciate people trying to help, it is just that we would much rather do and figure it out on our own.
    This fall back can sometimes lead to pushing some people away. Especially if those people are sensitive energies.. We never mean to hurt or insult anyone. We just know we are fully capable of taking care of ourselves. I think the important lesson for any Aries, myself included, is that sometimes it is a good thing to suck up our pride and ask for help. Even though we typically can do things on our own at times it can never hurt to get a second helping hand.

  2. We can sometimes be a bit scattered.
    We love excitement, we love stimulation, and we love the constant idea that we are always on the move and going somewhere. This is great for us as Aries because we love that feeling of excitement in our hearts; it often times make us feel alive.
    The fall back is that sometimes others may view us as scattered and unorganized, and maybe we are at times. However, that is how we like it. We like to be excited about anything and everything we can. As the youngest fire energy we haven't quite yet figured out how to have better self control over our element and often times, we don't really care too.

  3. We can come off childish or childlike.
    As the youngest sign of the zodiac we often are seen as childish or childlike beings. We love to oooo and aaawwe at the excitements of life. We are huge teases and love to poke fun at just about anything. We are easily humored and laugh at just about everything.
    The fall back is sometimes others find this an annoying characteristic to have. They may think we "don't know when to stop" and not everyone knows how to have the same kind of fun that we love to have. This can often be challenging for a strong Aries energy because we love having fun in our unique ways and when others think our kind of fun annoys them we may at times feel hurt and even get jaded. If this gets reprimanded enough it may even jade us so much that we begin to become lifeless and boring, sucking the fire right out of us out of humiliation. The childlike nature of a young Aries sign is part of the beauty in us though!

  4. Some may confuse our intentions for selfishness.
    Aries energy is known to be quite selfish. This is true in some aspects but often times we may feel that this is just a misunderstanding from our true intentions. We just love to focus and work on ourselves. We often get caught up in the things we are doing because we are such action oriented people. We love to interact with our own world because it is fun, lighthearted, and humorous.
    The fall back is some may think we are selfish creatures who don't care about anything but ourselves. This can sometimes hurt an Aries ego to hear and even cause us to push away from people out of feeling misunderstood by our own motives. Often times we aren't recognizing that we are being "selfish" in others eyes. We are just good at doing us and being around us. We are very independent creatures after all, and expect others to have that same outlook and desire in their lives. We believe we should all be responsible for ourselves and take care of ourselves. Aries tend to be very good at doing just that.

  5. We have a constant need to be going somewhere.
    We love to go go go. We have a hard time slowing down and smelling the roses. Even when we are smelling the roses we are smelling one so we can get to the next one and smell it too. We love adventure and we tend to always be on the move. Some may look at us as ADD or ADHD because we often times have a hard time sitting still.
    The fall back of this can be that we have a hard time staying present and in the moment. While the moment is awesome and all, our minds and energies are already on the move ready to experience the next thing. We don't like to sit still as we often times find that lame or boring. We like to keep our bodies moving and our minds ready for next places we are going to see and adventure we are going to experience. This makes us quick, witty, and ready for anything.

  6. We are easily bored.
    We have a hard time sticking to one thing at a time. We often find ourselves bored with repetition and like new and stimulating activities to keep us entertained. This often times can make us masters of many different activities. We are often times good at many different things and tend to learn very quickly.
    The fall back of this can be that we may have a hard time sticking to one task. This can sometimes lead to us wanting to jump from job to job or career to career. We have a hard time staying at one place for too long. Because we learn things quickly, we get bored with activities that are long term. This can sometimes be confusing for an Aries because we never quite come to a satisfied place of knowing what we want to do for the rest of our lives. Usually this is because we just want to experience it all and do it all. We have a hard time imagining ourselves in one place doing just one thing forever.

  7. We can come off aggressive at times.
    Aries love to be fiery and even extreme sometimes. We hold a lot of power within us that we aren't always the best at balancing or keeping under control. This can sometimes come off as aggressive when often times that may not be what we mean at all.
    The fall back is we often feel misunderstood for our fiery intensity. Even when we are very passionate about something, the way we express it may come off as aggressive to someone else. We can get confused on how to communicate our extremely passionate nature. We sometimes aren't always conscious of how we are projecting our energy, especially when it comes to topics we are really feeling and passionate about.

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Being an Aries can be quite fun. I think an important thing to keep in mind if you are struggling with your own Aries energy is to surround yourself with people who love and embrace that energy within you. Don't let someone who finds your Aries energy to be annoying, aggressive, or over bearing ruin the beauty in having Aries energy. Not everyone is going to understand what it means to be an Aries or have that energy as much as you. Maybe their Aries energy is not in as prominent of a placements within their chart.

As a very Arien woman I understand the struggles in my own way. I have an Aries sun as well as an Aries Venus. So, my soul essence is aligned with how I show love and affection. This energy is very prominent within me. And for anyone who is familiar with progression charts in astrology, I also now am a progressed Mercury Aries. This means that now my mind works like an Aries and I also communicate like one. The more I educate myself on my Aries energy, the more conscious I am when that energy comes up. It allows me to pay attention and see how others are responding to it. It has been in the last year that I have reintroduced myself with my soul (Aries energy) and felt comfortable in it. I was misunderstood for a long time for my energy. I was confused as aggressive, harsh, or selfish at times. Now I am realizing it is just apart of me and I am more capable of embracing myself.

So go out and embrace and love your own powerful and sexy Aries energy. We are powerful creatures with a lot to offer this world. Don't get jaded by others views on who you are. You know who you are. Let that fiery Aries nature shine!


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