RE: RE: Galactic Mayan Weather Report - 22nd Feb 2018
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RE: Galactic Mayan Weather Report - 22nd Feb 2018

RE: Galactic Mayan Weather Report - 22nd Feb 2018

Welcome to the Galactic Mayan Weather Report @holisticlia!
Thanks for playing. ;)
You chose this lifetime to take the adventure of the Yellow Galactic Human in the Wavespell of the Red Serpent! A powerful journey indeed.

You are here to remind the world, and yourself, that when we fall into the fear of survival from the outside world, we must always remember that it is vital to stand in our own integrity as a Human Species, to learn from our past and extract that Wisdom of experience in order to use your Freewill to Influence how we decide to deal with the challenges that arise.

When we react from fear, we create division, war and suffering. When we respond to the very same survival issues from a centered space, from the hearts intelligence, we can the respond with love, unity, equality and abundance.

The solutions to our survival are all around us, hidden in the fractal nature of existence. You are the Wisdom Keeper here to explore those and help bring integrity to the way we move forwards, whether on a personal level or collective.

Consider this a personalised faery tale for contemplation, no more. ;)
You will know for yourself what resonates, and these cues are more for helping to find the next steps in our lives, but not to tell us who we must be. That is the great Hero's Journey that awaits us all!

So much love! Mark

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