Beginner's Astrology: ★ Aquarius Ascendant ★ February 2018 Solar Eclipse in Aquarius

Partial Solar Eclipse Date: Thurs. Feb, 15th 2018
This is happening on the axis of the 1st and 7th house.
Your 1st house is in Aquarius and your 7th House is in Leo.

The 1st house represents: The self, who you are, your physical image, how you look, your mind, your head, ego, what you want, basically the first house is YOU. The you that only YOU know and others may see. Think intrapersonal relationship.

The 7th house represents: Relationships. Not just intimate boyfriend/girlfriend relationship but it encompases ALL relationships. Your interactions with other people. Marriages, business partnerships, promotions, mass fame, relations within your career. Think interpersonal relationships.

Leo is all about following the heart. Being authentic to yourself and following your heart takes tremendous courage and integrity.  Something a lot of people lack for themselves because it's very difficult to be honest with yourself. When you think of the Leo archetype you see someone who speaks, lives, and breathes, from their inner heart. They are some of the most brave people out there because they are not afraid to be who they really are.

Aquarius is all about your own uniqueness and originality. Leo is self-centered. Aquarius is universal love in respect to the self. Aquarius is about the collective as a whole but remembering each unique piece that makes up the whole ( think gestalt ). Yes you care about yourself so deeply you care about others ( not really lololol ). But at the same time you retain your originality so much so, you stay unique and TRUE to yourself. Aquarius is all about the future because it is the archetype of the creator/ scientist/ one who has the mind of the creator. Aquarians are something else. That's why they are stereo-typically called aliens haha. The mind of Aquarius is just incredible. It can not be defined. It's the lightning bolt.


Now that you understand the terminology, let's get to the squishy inner part of it.
These eclipses bring forth energy that forces intense change within certain sectors of your life or you will have to forever hold your peace. And this particular North Node in Leo and South Node in Aquarius ( Destiny Points ) are the main players for this cycle. Leo and Aquarius are the most powerful signs in the zodiacs ( Aside from Scorpio and Taurus they're the strongest too). They don't fuck around. You're either with it , or you're not.

*All signs are powerful but when you dig deeper into astrology and understand the divine nature of all the signs that statement makes sense so for now just lemme stroke your ego. *

A huge focus since August 2017 up until now ( February 2018 ) has been on a certain aspect of yourself (1st house) in relation to other people or how you interact with other people (7th house).

This is a time where you've had to really dig deep within yourself and figure out how your relationships are with other people and what needs to change. It may be something you noticed about yourself that involves being more open and honest with how you feel ( 1st house ) to other people or your husband or wife or boyfriend, just people basically (7th house ).

You may be at a point in your life where you're not sure if you want to get married ( 7th house ) and instead focus on yourself and what you need to do ( 1st house ).  This can not be pinpointed specifically unless you look at your entire chart as a whole. But this provides a categorized area in which you will experience these profound changes that will change the course of your life forever. Literally.

Think about what you are currently experiencing and what your HEART (<-----MOST IMPORTANT. LISTEN TO YOUR HEART. FEEL IT. HOW DOES IT FEEL??) feels to you. Because from there, you can know what it is that has been bothering you or pressing for you to acknowledge within yourself. And 99% chances are, it has to do with someone else.

It's all about balance!           "Balance motherfucker do you speak it!?" pulp fiction reference.
You must do what's right for you regardless of what other people think. This is what this Leo/Aquarius axis is all about. Because when you do what is right for you and what brings your heart peace, the people around you are at peace. Because you found a balance between yourself and others. Life, God, the universe whatever you want to call it is asking YOU to bring balance within that area of your life.

Certain decisions you will make may be some of the hardest decisions ever. But if you stay true to yourself and your values it will be worth it. If you stay true to yourself already this will be breezy but still pretty windy haha.  From Charcoals to Diamonds. Connect to your authentic self so you explain yourself less to people. You owe an explanation to no one. 

This is a time to be yourself 100% not 99% I literally mean 100%. You may find that your light exposes people's darkness because they live without integrity to themselves. It's normal to clash with people. It's normal for others to respectfully disagree. But at the end of the day it's not okay for them to bash you for being your authentic self. They still have to acknowledge and respect the person you're working on becoming. 

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