Uranus in Taurus – Overturning much that we know, and revolutionising much that we do...


Next week on 6th March 2019, the planet Uranus changes signs into Taurus after spending the last 7 years in Aries. Uranus is an agitator, an influence of disruption and moving into Taurus, it shifts into the sign of its fall. Safe to say then that Uranus and Taurus are not happy bedfellows, and I have the distinct feeling that this is not going to be an easy transit for us all.

The last time Uranus was in this sign was 1934 to 1942, a time of rising tensions, huge debt and the continuation of the great depression. Ultimately the start of World War 2, as appalling as it was cleared the slate for a recovery to begin around the world. Now Taurus is a fixed sign, one of steady permanence and unchanging values, and one where we can too well get stuck and ingrained in old habits. That's fine if you are in a good routine that is moving forward and progressing nicely, however it also encourages stagnation and often we find ourselves in a rut that will only get deeper, because Taurus finds change so abhorrent. Uranus is the one planet that will quickly rip up the rule book and will overturn the status quo. You can see the conflict going on here. We have the irresistible force taking on the immovable object. Something will have to give.

I will say this right now. Expect the world as we know it, everything that we hold dear to be turned on its head. This is not going to be easy folks. Taurus represents the earth, our values, the material world, money, possessions and our resources. Uranus is going to turn its revolutionary attention to all these things, and by the time we get to the year 2025, I can imagine that the way we view these things will be very different to the way we do now.

Let's go through these things one by one.

The earth – Uranus in Taurus in my view will perpetuate a different attitude to climate change. I think we are going to start to take thing much more seriously, and Uranus will bring about crisis situations so that we will take notice. Be it from catastrophic hurricanes to freezing winters, scorching temperatures to terrible floods, until we on earth start to change attitudes, the rampant rise in global temperatures will continue to make the weather more and more extreme, affecting more and more people more often. Crops may start to fail, food supplies may be affected (remember in Britain once the war began, we had food rationing and fresh food was rare to non existent), the use of the earth may be changed through the changing climate. Where crops thrived in one region, maybe the changing climate may make the growing of certain varieties impossible? Technology and science may advance to revolutionise farming and agriculture yet more in some way? One other thing that I think that we will concentrate is the poisoning of the earth through the amount of man-made rubbish that we are dumping into our seas and burying in waste sites. I hope that technology and science can come up with new ways of recycling and reusing what we throw away. We have to become a more circular society, where we look after the precious planet that we live on. Finally Uranus in Taurus literally means the shaking of the earth, and I would expect earthquakes, lots of them. The ring of fire, the tectonic plates and the parts of the world that are susceptible to them may experience more than their fair share of earth shaking events.

Our values and ideologies – Back in 1934 and throughout the late 30's there was a rise in extremism and fascism and right now there are echoes of those times starting to reappear – yeah it's a disturbing situation around the world that we are seeing as politics become more polarised, and countries become more divided. As with last time, I think that we will come to a breaking point, where something happens in relation to the division that we are seeing that is truly unacceptable, something of shock value, and the world will react. I don't think that we will see another world war, surely we are more sensible than to threaten our very existence, however there may come a point where the people of the world will say “no more” very loudly!! More than an actual war though, I sense we may see 7 or so years of trade wars, where blocks of nations protect their own resources, and put up barriers and taxes against each other. Uranus in Taurus is possibly the most stubborn combination that you can get. When an Aquarian or Taurean digs their heels in they will never shift, and I suspect that once the barriers go up it will take Uranus moving into a mutable sign to loosen them. I also have the feeling that by the time Uranus enters Gemini, the world will be more together as one than it has ever been, as a reaction against the splits and protectionist values that have been building up in the years previous.

The material world and money – This I think is due for a huge shake up. Firstly I think the money markets will be very volatile, and the chances for a major financial crash built up on the levels of debt that we have all accrued is a high possibility. Technology is very quickly taking over the way we handle money and buy things, and by 2025, physical money may be fading out, and we may find that certainly in the Western World, all transactions will be made electronically. This revolution will also have ramifications for banking, shopping and the way we purchase. Mobile banking I think will be the only way that we move our money around, and pay for things. Online shopping will overtake going out and physically buying items too, and this will radically affect communities and the centres of towns and villages, as the need for large shops and department stores lessen. Electronic currencies have tried and pretty much failed so far, and Bitcoin has been far too volatile and risky for many investors to take seriously, however the notion of a universal electronic currency that is trusted may finally come about in the next 7 years. I have a feeling that block-chain technology may start to be the answer to the way businesses and financial companies operate, as it is truly transparent.

Remember that the sign of Scorpio is the sign of secrets and the concealment of power and control, so it stands to reason the Taurus across the zodiac represents the opposite values of financial openness, and seeing everything run fairly as it is. If you take this to its logical conclusion, corporations and the capitalist society that has held power for so long because it has existed on the old boy's network may suddenly find that the rules are changing, as technology opens out all the markets so that everyone can see the true value of every business practice. You know the famous Trump phrase “let's clear the swamp”? Well irony of ironies, the removal of Trump under Uranus in Taurus, yes I think he will either walk or be removed without being elected out, may go a long way to begin a clear up and a cleansing of the secret world of big business, and lead to a political revolution, the like of which we have not seen in generations.

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