Breaking News - School Shooting in Parkland Florida - Astrological Analysis

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There has unfortunately been a school shooting in Parkland, Florida with NBC initially saying there have been at least 14 victims. This occurred at 14.30 hrs local time in Parkland, Florida at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.


The Astrology of the incident sees the planet of wounding Chiron exactly on the Midheaven, the most public place on the chart and Mars, the planet of guns and violence is in a chaotic square to Neptune, sitting in the 9th house of higher education. The combination of Mars square to Neptune often bring suffering through mindless aggression, confusion, hurt, and sacrifice, and this is the case this time too. The chart ruler is the Moon (Cancer Ascendant) and it sits next to the unfortunate South Node in the 8th house of death and change. Saturn also sits close to the Descendant and often when you see a difficult event such as this, one of the malefic planets, Saturn, Mars, Uranus or Pluto is close to one of the 4 angles on the chart. This incident of course comes just before a Solar Eclipse, and one that I said just yesterday would start to bring a resurgence of terrorist and unexpected incidents.

My deepest sympathies goes to all those affected, and yet again this is a mindless attack on innocent victims through the use of firearms in America. As futile as this sounds seeing who is running the Administration in the USA, I hope it tugs at the heartstrings of someone in charge who has the guts to do something about the use and ownership of guns in America. Reform is needed, otherwise these awful incidents will continue to claim young innocent lives...

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