Another shift of emphasis – Venus and Mercury change direction

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This is proving to be a very strange month Astrologically with another set of planets changing direction and sign mirroring the changes earlier in the month. This time we have three important moves within three days.

Firstly Mars changes sign from Aquarius into Pisces at 20.00 hrs GMT on 15th November. This is big news as we have been under Mars in Aquarius for months because of it going retrograde in the Summer. Mars in the sign of Pisces tends to diffuse any direct energy, break it up and make it much less effective than during other transits. Pisces brings confusion, lack of direction and lack of ambition, and the best way to use Mars in Pisces is to literally go with the flow. Fighting to keep on track under this influence is normally utterly futile, and like a boat on a river with no rudder and paddles we will have to submit and sacrifice ourselves to the destination that the water wishes to takes us in. Those who can adapt and change with the ebb and flow of life now will do well, whereas those who are stuck in their ways and try to follow their own agenda come what may could come seriously unstuck.

On 16th November, Venus turns direct in the sign of Libra at 25.15 degrees Libra. For 42 days we will have been under Venus moving retrograde, and this in particular will be good news for all of you out there with Taurus and Libran Sun signs or Ascendants, as one of your personal planets will finally moving in the right direction again. All relationships and values will have been sorely tested by Venus regressing in Scorpio and Libra in the past month and a third, and having the new information that she brought us, we will now be able to make positive decisions in regards to those we relate with and how we deal with our finances and possessions again. She turns direct on the star Arcturus, the “Herdsman” in the constellation of Bootes, and interestingly this is a star of transition, from one state to another, as the herdsman takes his sheep or goats from one pasture to the next. There is a sense with Venus now that you have to keep on going with whatever you have decided now, for better or for worse, as there is no turning back. The herdsman will not return to where he has been as the resources there will have been depleted, and in the same manner Venus is giving this message to us too. In a way, Venus turning on this star also has a sense of go with the flow about it, because as you move on you have to keep going until you find a new rich and bountiful destination to set down camp.


A day late early in the morning of 17th November at 01.32 GMT, Mercury stations retrograde at 13.30 degrees Sagittarius. Mercury will be moving back in this sign and back into the late degrees of Scorpio until 6th December and as ever, Mercury retrograde will turn our mental processes inwards, allowing us to reassess decisions, communications, things we speak and learn for next few weeks. Mercury in the main is regressing in the sign of knowledge, religion, faith, culture, internationalism and the law, meaning that these areas of life will be especially under the microscope for the rest of the month.

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The moment that Mercury turns will be interesting as it will square not only the Moon, the planet of emotions, but also Neptune the planet of illusion also slowing to a stop in the next week or so. Neptune stations direct at 13.42 degrees Pisces on 24th November, therefore its power is growing by the day. Mercury square Neptune/Moon may bring a lot of uncertainty and potential confusion, on and around 15th to 19th November, and any emotional agreement, announcement or decision made on this day affecting the population could be overturned or misinterpreted in the days and weeks to come. Are you listening Theresa May??? Her natal Mars, the planet of action sits at 13.41 Pisces, so she is absolutely in the cross-hairs of this disruptive square. Her judgement is not going to be good and the actions she takes could be ill-advised.

There is also going to be a high chance of mass travel disruption over this period, as well as social and collective chaos. I wouldn't mind betting that international communications via phones, computers or other means may be affected. Matters linked to health, social care, drinking and drugs, the sea and nautical issues, the weather, gasses and poisoning, films and creative industries or spiritual/religious matters may be prominent too.

This turn around in the energy surrounding us affecting the inner planets are going to affect our everyday lives, providing us all with little disruptions, things going wrong and awry. These changes, and irritations may lead us to getting very frustrated, stressed and potentially angry, which with Mars in Pisces may not be directed in the correct way, or at the right person. You know, we not be able to avoid what is coming, so we the best course of action may be as I suggested earlier – i.e. to go with the flow. It may be our only option....

This post was also placed on my personal Facebook page..

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