The Pele Report ~ Kaypacha Lescher

Published on Aug 2, 2017


In the early stages of life,
I take all I need to grow,
Then transform it within to show where I've been,
And give it back to the whole.

Whoa! Here come the eclipse! While I like to stay positive, I must say, it can be dangerous in the jungle with some ferocious lions on the loose! What I didn't mention in the report was Mercury coming up to station/retrograde opposite Neptune. With this combination of energies there can be some real delusional characters (psychopaths/sociopaths), out for themselves, that wreak havoc on poor unsuspecting souls. While it is a great time for joy and generosity, it is not a time to simply give indiscriminately.

Differing from the playful lion cub, the mature king/queen of the jungle remains slightly aloof, above the fray, undisturbed by the rough housing cubs, but alert and on guard at all times though completely relaxed. Quite an amazing animal! May you run, jump, leap and create and recreate yourself again!

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