New Moon 28 September 2019 A Vedic Astrology Prediction

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Hi, All and Greetings. The following Steemit article is regarding the waning phase of the Moon, which will end with the New Moon on September 28th.

This New Moon will find both the Moon and the Sun in Hasta Nakshatra in the sign of Virgo. In the case of this, as with any waning phase of the Moon, the malefic planets are gaining in strength while the benefics are lessening in strength. During this particular waning phase, we have some interesting transits occurring with our malefic planets. When we say “malefic,” it is important to understand that this is simply a way of referring to certain scientific aspects regarding the way that the planets engage with manifest reality. All planets generate a spectrum of results in us; no planet is “bad” or “good” and it is best not to create internal labels of “bad” or “good” for any planet.

Carrying along, regarding the activity of the malefics during this waning phase, Saturn has gone direct as of yesterday. During Saturn’s retrograde motion (which began on the last day of April of this year,) Saturn has been making You arrive at a much more thorough understanding of the path that you are laying out for yourself in order to be able to put forth effort into achieving a state of greater abundance in a specific aspect of your life. Now, with Saturn going forward, you will also be going forward with this newfound understanding.

At the same time, by the time the Moon is New, Rahu will be in Rahu’s own Nakshatra, called Ardra. From this position, Rahu will be introducing an idea of destroying previous agreements, destroying a certain balance related to an aspect of your life that is simultaneously connected with destroying a certain multiplicity — perhaps a certain aspect of your relationship with society, in order to escape.

Additionally, Mars will be in a position of wanting to march forth and take action in relation with this same quest that Saturn has set you on, toward greater abundance. This will likely involve some kind of undercover, unseen, mysterious kind of work, as well as entering into a deal or an agreement.

As for the benefic planets, Venus and Mercury are in a close conjunction in Virgo, where Venus is debilitated and Mercury is exalted. You will have a desire to already revel in the work that you have been doing in order to establish a new form for yourself to act out of or to live within. But remember that you haven’t yet achieved this new form, and Mercury is helping you a lot in order to achieve it. This new form is related to Saturn’s quest and Mars’s mission toward greater abundance.

I know, I know, but Libra is around the corner so for now just put yourself in Mercury’s hands, check out their fabulous nail polish, deal with this and then go take a nap.

During this waning phase, take care of yourself and pamper yourself however you can. But at the same time, you need to be patient with Mercury’s process of redefining and putting things in order regarding your surroundings. This is because Mercury is exalted and has a lot to offer.

While all of this is happening, as the Moon wanes, you have to meditate. Watch your breath for example, or do any already existing meditation practice that you might have. Stay with your own Moon in this way, so that you can watch all of this play out. While you respect the intentions of the planets for You, stay with your own Moon. By the 28th, if you are able to stay with your own Moon during this waning phase in a state of watching even while you are in a state of action, then you have the possibility to see a possibility which is shimmering in the empty moon-field. This shimmering is something coming from another realm of your life which at the same time will present a solution to everything that Saturn, Mars and Mercury are putting in front of You and pulling on You to deal with.

The planets are putting a lot in front of you regarding breaking with previously existing conditions and with what you consider to be your surrounding society, while you feel a momentum toward being able to achieve a new situation of plenty and a self-enhancing structure. All of this is like a different kind of breathing with its own dynamic and its own physicality. Observe it as you observe your own breath within your particular physical body.

All of the outward manifestation of your action is breath in another shape. Watching it as you watch the breath inside You, You will have the possibility to see what is shimmering in the empty moon-field. It will be something outside of all of this action but will be part of the solution to any conflict, difficulty or push-and-pull that you are going through due to the activity of Saturn, Rahu and Mars.

Happy Saturn direct, happy Rahu in Ardra, happy Mercury exalted and good night. Ardra has a heart of diamonds and Hasta Nakshatra will take you down a golden road that’s golden like what money comes from, that kind of golden. Wishing you tamarind dreams on fluffy pillows. ❤

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