Attention! Rahu Is In Ardra Nakshatra — A Vedic Astrology Transit Guide

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Attention, All. This is an off-the-cuff prediction regarding Rahu transiting Rahu’s very own Ardra Nakshatra. I want to give you some useful advice regarding this transit, hence this Steemit article.

Rahu is now in Ardra and we are already experiencing the manifestation of this transit both in our own lives and in international politics. This transit is an opportunity for a cleansing, and this cleansing happens with destruction. It’s very important that during this time, you keep a meditation practice. This is because without a meditation practice, you will not have the propensity to undergo this cleansing but rather, you will have a propensity to be confused. Generally speaking, there is a great potential for spiritual and societal benefit due to Rahu in Ardra.

If you are observant, you will notice that you are feeling a destructive energy. It is important that you allow this destructive energy to pass through you and that you do not react against this energy. This energy is what is coming through with the transit of Rahu in Ardra. If you find yourself expressing destructive content, especially language based content, currently, due to Mercury’s position, then that is O.K.

It is good to let this destructive content simply be expressed through your persona, personality, ego. This destructive content will be different for each person, because each person has different identity politics and a different identity. But, this can only be a cleansing for you if you are able to observe your own expression without attaching yourself to what is coming out or passing through you. That doesn’t mean that you should shut yourself up. Indeed, if you react to this energy by closing up, by getting carried away by a feeling of panic (any uncentered, closed types of reaction,) then you will not spiritually benefit from Rahu in Ardra.

You must allow yourself to express whatever is being expressed via your persona into the world, but I have a suggestion. Firstly, make sure that every morning, you are engaging in some kind of meditation practice. You can do yoga if your yoga practice is a physical meditation. You can do a traditional form of meditation. You can do a breath-based meditation. You can do whatever meditation practice you prefer; but if you do not yet have a meditation practice then you need to start one, now. This is because this transit is no walk in the park, whatsoever, and you can miss a chance to undergo a very wonderful cleansing if you are not able to be centered and not act from the periphery of your persona.

Since many of you will not even be able to recognize the difference between acting from your center and acting from your periphery, please try out this tool: while you are engaged in any kind of expressive action, see if you are simultaneously able to be aware of either your breath or of the soles of your feet on the ground, or of your mulabandha or muladhara chakra. That way you can identify whether you are sufficiently centered while you are being a conduit for whatever is being expressed via you.

You do not have to engage with what is being expressed, because your persona already exists, it is already developed, all of your neural connections are sufficiently made so that your identity is already developed. So, whatever is expressed with your voice and your persona does not need you to add more energy to it. Whatever you are expressing, you don’t actually need to add any energy to that. What is important now is that you let yourself express whatever you are expressing, and that you are able to watch and not entangle yourself into it. Entangling yourself in the expression will make you miss the cleansing.

This cleansing comes with destruction. In order for this destructive force (which is the destructive force of Shiva; which is the destructive force of Rahu in Ardra,) to pass through you in a cleansing manner, you have to be able to watch from your center. That is what meditation gives you.

If you are not able to watch, then you will hamper this process, get tangled up in it. The process wants to pass through you. That can only happen if you are watching it and not complicating things.

Meditate during this time. Rahu will be in Ardra from now through April 22, 2020.

And now for a fascinating little something: Look back to the Summer and early Autumn of the year 2013. What is happening now shares an important relationship with what was happening in your life during June, July, August and September of 2013.

During the past few months this Summer of 2019 and currently, we have experienced Saturn conjunct Ketu, first retrograde and now direct. In the Summer of 2013, the same movement was happening between Saturn and Rahu. At this time, Shani was in Libra in Rahu’s own Swati Nakshatra along with Rahu. Basically we are experiencing the nodal inversion with respect to Saturn, of the period that began in the Summer of 2013. Also at that time, Jupiter was transiting Ardra, whereas now, Rahu is there. Rahu and Jupiter share a special openness; they have a special relationship; there is a thruway that they both respectively bookend.

For all of these reasons, it may be useful to look back at that time of your life, now. What is the relationship between where you find yourself at this current moment: is it a result of the time that has passed since the Summer of 2013? Would you have ended up where you are now if you did not take the path that you took at that time? Do you feel that you made wise or unwise choices at that time?

Keep this question present, and when Jupiter enters Sagittarius on the River Moola, on November 5th, revisit it. Jupiter in Sagittarius will be looking at where Jupiter was in the Summer of 2013 and where Rahu currently transits, and you will have an opportunity to view your own behavioral patterns and choices with greater clarity because of this. What are aspects of your self-management patterns that are beneficial to you, and which aspects do not further your journey but, rather, sidetrack you?

We have just entered into a wonderful journey with the entrance of Rahu in Ardra. During this time, meditation is of the utmost importance. In fact, if there is any transit where it is advisable to start meditating or to retake a previously existing meditation practice, that time is now!

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