Unpopular opinion: everything is psychic

Define "psychic"?
If psychicism is defined as acquiring information from sources unknown/inperceptible to most (not gotten from facts, the real world, etc.), isn't that what thinking is? Isn't forming your own original thoughts (not based on cultural archetypes or societal norms) and then applying them to the real world a form of psychic ability? Inspiration doesn't reside on the material plane of existence, yet it is considered normal, rational, and expected for people to have "inspiration". My opinion is that inspiration is another form of psychic manifestation.

When people apply their inspiration to the world around them--say, to explain that Abby wouldn't get along with Brittney because they have "bad vibrations"-- it shouldn't be called "bogus." If the inspired/psychic person is correct, who cares from where the information supposedly came (they "thought" it versus they got it via "telepathy" or "astrology")?

We should stop judging where people get their inperceptible information from. It then follows that almost everyone has at least a little psychic ability. Some can wield it better than others (artists, psychics, astrologers, etc). There is a subjective divide between what is "crazy" and what is "genius" anyway!

Other thoughts
Given that:

  1. Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury and represents astrology (it used to be Mercury)
  2. Neptune represents psychicism and is the higher octave of Venus
  3. Pluto is the higher octave of Mars
  4. Each outer planet represents working with energy from the immaterial plane/collective unconscious
  5. Each inner planet represents working with energy from the physical plane (not sure about this?)

Does that mean that Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are all psychic planets, which humans use to access invisible data at some point? It is said, for example, that a strong Mercury-Pluto contact in the natal chart brings investigative, research, and scientific mental abilities. If so, then drawing connections between data--like doing research--should be considered as psychic ability for the reasons stated above.

I apologize for the rampant quotation marks--""--I'm still trying to break that habit.

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