Oppositions are easier than Squares

I believe that the energy of an opposition between planets is easier to resolve than the energy of a square between planets. I have made this crude drawing to demonstrate the concept:
square vs opp.png
For example, I have Mercury opposite Pluto natally. One way I resolve the issue is to play up my Mercury traits thereby crowding out the Pluto ones. I could also choose to completely subdue my Pluto traits and then the Mercury ones would naturally come forth.

I also have Moon square Mars natally. This one is tough. I deal with it by subduing my Mars traits, but I still suffer.

Also, a good thing about an opposition is that the planets are sort of alter-egos of each other. They can compliment each other if played correctly. Using the example above, if I didn't want to subdue either planet (like I wanted to do intense investigative work--something a Mercury opposite Pluto person would be great at), I could let the two planets pull at each other. I would just "be myself" and let both planets' traits come fully out. The obsessiveness, intense focus, and fact-checking would flow as needed and then I can shut it off when I am done with the task. Oppositions can be harnessed for doing jobs and for getting out of trouble, if you use them correctly. You just need to know when to stop and subdue one of the planets.

With a square, I just don't think it is possible to do anything constructive with the planets. I will always have a quick temper and get my feelings hurt by trifles. Things like this are part of being human.

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