Astrology Sept 18th 2018. Wacked Out. #FuckthePatriarchy


The energies are off the charts intense and stormy right now with still out of bounds Mars conjunct Black Moon Lilith and squaring off to Retrograde Uranus today.

Mars and Uranus first squared off on May 16th at 0 Aquarius/Taurus and Lilith is at 0 Aquarius today. Both Mars and Uranus were direct and Mars was in bounds. You can see what was happening in the news here to jog your memory. Lilith was then at 1 Capricorn, the sign of our rules and institutions, conjunct the point where Saturn is now.

On August 1st/2nd the two squared off at 2 Aquarius/Taurus and Mars was now both Rx and out of bounds but Uranus was still direct. Here is a link to the news events then.

This aspect has straddled the crazy summer of multiple retrogrades and three Eclipses and has the final exact as we approach the Full Moon on the same day as Mars goes back in bounds, September 24th. My podcast for the Full Moon can be found here.

Uranus rules Aquarius so the energies of Uranus and Aquarius are heightened.

Breakthroughs and breakdowns.
Breaking FREE!

There’s real power and excitement in the air.

If you have anything in your chart around 0–3 of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) you will feel this in a major way but also those degrees of all signs.

This is also the last major aspect of the fixed grand cross.

Accidents are more likely under this energy so please be mindful as you go about your day.

The potential for life changing breakthroughs, however, is immense.

So embrace the surge of visionary potential that we are getting and ride the storm.

The Capricorn Moon will aspect Neptune in Pisces, Pluto in Capricorn and Jupiter in Scorpio also bringing more information to the service that will undermine the patriarchal society we live in.This also gives strength of will to break those chains that tie us to the past.

Much Love

Louise ❤

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