Astrology Sept 1/2 2018. Forward Thinking!


Slowly, slowly, things are getting moving in the you-niverse.
Today the Taurus Moon aspects Mercury in Leo and then ends the day with an aspect to still out of bounds (and at his station degree) Mars in Capricorn before moving into Gemini and towards the third/last quarter Moon.
And tomorrow Mercury leaves the shadow of his retrograde while the Moon is in Mercury ruled Gemini.
Hip hip hooray!
I am supposed to be writing an article for submission to OPA (Organization of Professional Astrologers) that's due on Monday and I just have been blocked. Tomorrow the words should flow more easily.
The last quarter Moon, however, is described as a crisis of consciousness and coming off the back of the Eclipses and all the retrogrades we have a lot of consciousness shifting going on.
This is the time to begin reflecting on those shifts and deciding where to set your intentions on the practically mystic New Moon in Virgo on Sept 9th.
It's a holiday weekend here in the USA. Labor Day, the end of summer. Pumpkin this and that is appearing everywhere. Here in the Northern hemishpere we are entering Fall/Autumn this month and it feel that way internally for me.
Things are falling away.
With the Gemini/speeded up Mercury energy there's also an investigative feel that feels like putting together the pieces of a new jigsaw puzzle. Remember the post it notes and the questions? Putting together the new you? Gemini is also perception and you are likely to be perceiving yourself and the world in a whole new way.
Interesting times.
Much love
Louise ❤

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