Astrology July 19 2018. Lights, Camera, ACTION!


First quarter Moon in the between Eclipses time AND the second Mars/South Node conjunction with Mars Rx and out of bounds all on the same day.

Oh man! This can be both glorious and life changing AND it can also be shocking and life changing.

First quarter is at 1.52 pm MDT and is a crisis in action, a time between the New Moon and the Full Moon where there is a feeling of forceful building, a decision point where we are half way between the intentions of the New Moon and the fulfillment and the release of the Full Moon.

It’s one of many pivot points in the cycles of our soul evolution and during Eclipse season it’s amplified.

Additionally, any planet conjunct the Moon’s Nodes creates another pivot point.

This means today is important and brings echoes of things that begun on June 8th (when Mars made his first pass over the Moon’s Nodes) and July 12th, the Solar Eclipse. Of course these are the most recent cycles, there are others. Astrology is all about cycles.

Mars is still going to be conjunct the South Node on next week’s Eclipse so look for an article to come on that and subscribe to the Weirdly Magical podcast as we’ll be recording a new episode tomorrow.

Today the Libra Moon is deciding how to find balance in this crazy time.

What to move forward with, what to cut out.

What to build up.

Mars meets the South Node very early tomorrow morning and by then the Moon will be in Scorpio (Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio) so things are intense today.

It would be a great idea to get outside and burn off some energy and angst so that you don’t feel like ripping people’s heads off.

And remember, the resolution is in the North Node in Leo. Following your heart’s desire and opening your heart to others.

The Sabian symbol for the North Node is

KEYNOTE: The need to transcend our subservience to fashion, in morals as well as in clothes.
This refers to the ever-changing pageant of social values, as ideals of human relationship succeed one another, one generation facing in the next an antithetic picture of what it has been brought up to consider worthwhile and decent. The confrontation may lead to great bitterness, yet it should show us the impermanence of most of what society impresses upon our collective mentality.
This is the first stage of the twenty-sixth five-fold sequence of phases of the cyclic process. We are dealing now with cultural values and the emotional impact they have upon our character formation. Whereas the first degree of Leo dealt with an individual crisis of reorientation, the sixth degree refers to a collective, cultural and social crisis which challenges us to realize THE RELATIVITY OF SOCIAL VALUES.

Be that hippie and do your thing ❤

Much Love

Louise ❤

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