Astrology August 24 2018. Dark Soul.


I am writing two posts today. This one and something specifically about the Full Moon.

You would think that today would have a lighter feel with the Moon in airy Aquarius but no.

The Moon makes a t-square today with Jupiter in Scorpio and Mercury in Leo and that is bringing up some big and deep emotions and thoughts. It’s also bringing some major reveals and information that hark back to periods when Jupiter crossed the 16˚ mark of Scorpio twice before and Mercury crossed the 13˚ mark of Leo twice before.

If you remember, Jupiter’s ingress into Scorpio triggered the #MeToo revival with the outing of Weinstein but that’s not all Jupiter is revealing. All year Jupiter has been in a dance with Scorpio’s ruler, Pluto, in Capricorn. It’s a sextile aspect which is an aspect of opportunity and this aspect has been excavating the dirt around our institutions and ‘the rules’. The aspect was first exact on Jan 15th with both planets direct, then April 13th with Jupiter Rx and the two are now approaching a third exact aspect which will be exact on Sept 11th but we are beginning to feel it now even if it’s a supposedly ‘easy’ aspect. These two are heavy hitters and are revealing major truths.

At a personal level, I don’t know about you, but all year has been peeling away and revealing what is true for me and what rules and ‘shoulds’ I would like to discard.

The Aquarian Moon aspecting that active Jupiter and Mercury who is triggering the Eclipse degrees today is bringing up some old stuff to process.

Also that retrograde and out of bounds Mars is grinding to a standstill from our perspective to turn direct on the 27th after causing havoc all summer. Early this morning true Lilith, that rogue and angry too muchness passed over Mars one last time before he turns direct. That’s also bringing up things that need to be cut out of your life.

And people are exhausted. I have had more than a few friends and clients say that they are just tired out.

I am too.

This Pisces Full Moon is draining the heck out of us all already. It’s asking us to stop pushing and let go and let God (or whatever you call her). It’s a healing crisis, an opportunity to feel deeply into your soul and complete the Eclipse season.

And to help, I am offering a discount off my consultation fee for you. I must be crazy myself as I have so much travel coming up but with coupon code Tiredout you will receive 20% off my usual consultation fee and you can buy as many as you like, the coupon is valid until August 31st. If you buy as a gift, however, I ask that you make sure the recipient actually wants the session. You can book and use the coupon code at this link.

So, if you are feeling exhausted and would love some guidance to help you to make the most of the shifts that have occurred over the last few months book now. I will send a scheduling link and we’ll meet via Zoom conference to help you through any dark soul feelings you may have.

So much love

Louise ❤

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