Vedic Astrology Full Moon Energy Report 02/19/2019

4619-mythology-pegasus-english-spanish-legendary_creature-1440x900.jpgOM AIM SARASWATI NAMAH. Aloha Sovereign Spirits! Moon is in Leo(Simha) today shining bright opposite Sun in Aquarius Just entering an orb with Neptune and Mercury. Confident & Creative(leo) emotions(moon) are subject to the world(aquarius) stage involving our friends(11th house), the internet(neptune/aqua) and sharing ideals(mercury/wind) working towards a greater PERSONAL world within our communities and netwoks(aquarius).

Moon is in Magha Lunar Mansion. Here there is a high potential to embrace emotional qualities like Royality, dignity, self-assuredness, outspokenness, assertiveness, prioritization, wealthy-mindedness, generousness, altriusm, devotion, respecting elders, artistic endeavors & ideals.

Ketu(south node) is in the 6th house from moon. Here we are seeing the final journey of our issues with work. We are focusing on creating new innovation and building our careers/empires with a renewed sense of vision. This vision isn't quite clear but as ketu transits in sagittarius we will see an old vision become new again as we drive towards a bright future!

Uranus and Mars are in Leo in the 9th house from Moon. Those of us who have lost our courage are receiving spontaneous direction and bursts of energy to do what is right! Those of us who have been on a clear path are experience an amazing FIRE of creative energy. We are all tempering and catalyzing our belief systems that will propel usin the future. With Uranus here, it's a great time to ask "what other beliefs are no longer working for me?". It's time to change our old stuck patterns once and for all as Mars transits Uranus in Scorpio. We can use the energy of Magha, given to the Full Moon, to focus and devote the necessary energy we need gaining proper wisdom and knowledge and organizing our vision.

Rahu is in the Moon's 12th house here. We are seing an interesting loss of the family structure we knew and love, realizing our family's issues and hopefully seeing their strengths and blessings e.g. opportunities of living in america, a house/food/water etc. Having lost a sense of safety and security in our recent past, we now forge ahead into creative waters to create our own family, our own land, our own "kingdom". Rahu here wants to bring the kingdom of heaven on earth and living in an eternally safe and abundance environment. However, all things change...Living our dreams and creating a better world can be connected comprehending and marrying the reality of cause & effect and Service. All mundane and ultimate happiness is due to all other sentient beings! Therefore all the happiness in the world depends on us as well. Embracing our interconnected nature while comprehending the suffering inherent in animated life brings about a spiritual/phsyical synthesis that alchemizes rock into Diamonds. A true Christed-figure is born on this Full Moon when we allow it to be so <3

Jupiter is in Moon's 4th house in Scorpio with a 5th house cusp. Our relationships with our Mother, and the Divine Mother is healing slowly but surely and this phase of healing is almost complete. Our narcissistic tendencies towards sense gratification and self-cherishing priority over family and loved ones has created immense suffering and pain in our own and others' hearts...Jupiter has worked tirely on healing our fear of comittment, fear of abandonment, fear of not being good enough due to the damaged divine feminine residing in all our collectve energy bodies. Now we have the opportunity to heal our children(jupiter) and teach them to overcome the subconscious & primal mammal/monkey-brain fears(scorpio) we have been programmed with and ruled by. True Wisdom has the potential to flourish in our family and children when we finally learn to heal the Divine feminine inside of our hearts, embrace our own inner goddess and principles of Guidance and Divine Trust with the Divine Masculine(Leo) principles of self-less radiance and Joy!!!

Saturn Pluto & Venus is in Moon's 5th & 6th house cusp. Our emotional connection with our inner child, the things we've wanted/yearned for/pleaded for and yet could never be. The very source of our creativity is going through a MASSIVE TRANSFORMATION. We are feeling confused, restricted, some even "damned" as if what we want to create can't happen! We see the obstacles to our goals but while our attachments and cravings, removing these obstacles seem insurmountable. Luckily we've learned an immense of lessons this Saturn cycle and have seen that our live deserves a higher purpose and higher sense of living than just a robotic and synthetic feeling of safety & comfort. As Venus & Saturn converge on Pluto, a convergence of TRANSCENDENT ILLUMINATION will occur involving the complete dissolution of our ignorant beliefs, pursuits of what is unworthy, and any lingering addictions. This will be a spiritualizing and mentally transformative event to completely focus our energies on "WHAT WE CAME HERE TO DO".

The Key solution energy in this chart is in Gemini. This is about stabilizing our (capital M) Mind!!! We are learning how to balance our need for stimulation, sensuality, and fun with the very real impetus for world change, personal change, responsibility, work, and service! The key is found in the Lunar Mansion "Purva Badra-pada" or "the Auspicious one" where Mercury Lies. We are upgrading our minds, going through a mind-college of higher principles. Seriousness, upright speech, humane ideals, honesty(when there is none around), helpfulness(even when there is none), being a (selfless) good friend(note: with wisdom), impartiality, unselfishness, developing SKILL IN MONEY-MAKING, highly principled actions, politeness, and observing penance like diets/fasts/rituals/meditation/yoga or any other actions based on an Intention to purify and heal! These are the keys to success for this full Moon and will give bountiful fruits. This Moon's timeline sets the stage for an energetic period that began January 27th with Rahu(North Node) and the earlier Cancer portal. It ends March ~20th and another Wave/Cycle starts with Saturn(work, consistency despite inevitable change). Make your 2019 Spring and Summer great by realizing your own emotional sovereignty and empowerment!

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