Weekly Astrology Horoscope - First Week of May


Love - Marriages can either be a bubble of enjoyment which helps you escape the hard realities of the world or a sphere of life where you feel disappointed and lonely. In either case, the choice is with you; it is all down to your underlying emotional outlook rather than what is really happening.

Career - Aries are highly susceptible to the spiritual realm at this time and I know that many Arians work as psychics, healers, alternative therapists etc and you have added power to tap into universal energies in order to bring greater understanding of your clients and get better results.

Health - Stop seeking assurance in the wrong places and look to cultivate self-approval and self-acceptance internally.


Love - Taurus are not allowing the grass to grow under their feet, and you are interested in encouraging some reform or change in relationships, and that may mean more exciting holiday plans you have not tried before like camping or backpacking or something else not usually on your radar.

Career - We cannot just accept restrictions imposed from without.
Taurus can begin to discover talents yet undiscovered and potentials yet untapped, and these can emerge in rather unusual ways, and that is why you should really give everything a go, even if you do not think it is for you, maybe it IS for the new year.

Health - You can function at a high level for a sustained period, and this is suitable for sports, physical work and multi tasking where you rush from place to place at a hectic pace.


Love - Past relationships must be examined for gems of information that can help you navigate new relationships or improve current ones. Gemini are often so busy diving right into the next love situation that you never take time to decompress and filter out the emotional detritus for clues about what and where it went wrong.

Career - Gemini are very vulnerable to large scale cultural and politico social changes that are happening in the wider world, and so you cannot afford to be insular – in many cases, these changes are catalysts for a great opportunity, and Gemini must do their research and hop on board the wave rather that looking for ways to avoid it.

Health - Some experiences this week can be on a whole new level – psychic experiences, sudden insights and revelations, prophetic dreams and other mystical experiences, many of which make sense only on an intuitive level and are impossible to explain rationally.


Love - Love is about the feeling you get, and you can go for people that are not at all your usual type because you suddenly have that feeling inside that the timing is right, and there is something there that although you cannot put your finger on, it is very tangible emotionally.

Career - This is a time of thinking more radically; you are less likely to revert to your more conservative ways, and your eagerness to embrace risk and entertain new off-centre opinions will enable you to quickly get the ball rolling and break the shackles of any ruts you have been trapped in.

Health - You are putting yourself under quite a bit of pressure as your opponents or competition may have upped their game, and you need to respond, but you must also know you own limits and respond to your natural rhythms.


Love - Leo can be rather hard-hearted when it comes to passivity and whining from your partner – you are happy to help them tackle issues as long as they snap out of negativity and do something about it.

Career - You can go about your work with less fear and less of a need to conform; it is almost as if you have reached a point where you have the confidence in what you do to take it and run off in your own direction, to hell with what anyone says or thinks.

Health - True friends can offer you valuable advice and assistance, although you should not always listen to it as you have to follow your heart and your gut, and they may be talking from their perspective, which may even be your old perspective, which has now changed.


Love - A freedom burgeoning within helps you express your uniqueness, and when you feel more comfortable in your own skin and when you reject labels that others slap on your head, you begin to radiate, and that helps you to attract authentic relationships which reaffirm who you are.

Career - You are more resistant to authority and will go against the norm or the flow if you feel you have right or truth on your side. Honesty and integrity matter more than ever to you, and you cannot hold your tongue where you see what is false and misleading.

Health - You need to be disciplined and make sure that even if you eat badly, you take some supplements to make up for it; you also need to ensure you get a minimal amount of fruit and veg and plenty of water each day.


Love - Couples who share religious and philosophical beliefs can grow together in those beliefs, and the fact you both share those values helps cement the bond. It may be a time when you both participate in events connected with your religion, church, temple, etc. more actively.

Career - You are highly individualistic and will tend to be more opinionated than usual, even if it does create some waves. Libra are not easily ignored in May; you will tend to impose yourself on situations not only when you express opinions but because whatever you do attracts attention.

Health - Opt for tea rather than coffee, and try herbal teas like passion flower and L-theanine black tea. Ashwagandha is also a powerful stress relief herb which reduces stress hormone cortisol.


Love - Under Uranus influence on your descendant, new relationships can start suddenly; you may be infatuated for a short time and then break it off. Love can be on again off again until you fall into sync with each other and start developing the deeper aspects of the love affair.

Career - Scorpio want to race ahead, but there is a traffic jam, and you keep having to pump your brakes and then toot your horn so that the others speed up or get out of the way.

Health - Scorpio are not feeling patient, but you have to be. You will not have as much freedom as you wish, and although you have drive and ambition, you cannot fully launch and go full throttle as there are annoyance and often bureaucracy to deal with and you cannot lose energy getting heated.


Love - You can react to the strangest things, and you are quite fussy. This is a time when Sagittarians will develop stronger likes and dislikes and even some new habits and quirks that will affect how you relate to your partner and your sex life in both interesting and unusual ways.

Career - You are a little nervous and quite excited, and yet you do not know why. Life seems to be more electric and whatever you touch has a certain spark. There seem to be so many possibilities and your expectations are high – you have this sense of something bubbling under the surface and getting ready to explode into life.

Health - To help you stay calmer and more focused do not skip breakfast. Do not have your coffee or tea on its own on an empty stomach. Do not leave it too long before you eat after you have been physically active – make sure you eat a balanced meal about an hour after exercise.


Love - Events in romance are sudden – love can hit you like a train right now and sweep you away. Relationships, in general, are more unpredictable and also unstable; you cannot rely on them in a way you usually would, but you are inspired to break out of any ruts which have become counterproductive and stifling.

Career - You have heard about ‘unplugged’ regarding acoustic sessions for musicians – right now it is very important to be plugged in – so whatever career you are in, you have to embrace technology more than ever regarding the way you interact with clients, present, diagnose or offer services.

Health - Never mind the Devil inside, you are now more in touch with the rebel inside, and that is irrespective of age. You are ready to connect with the inner child, and that means giving yourself permission to be outrageous and to defy the rules.


Love - Single Aquarians may try many new forms of dating and experimentation is key as you will not want to settle down; you will want to keep going through those fish in the sea enjoying the dating process more than the settling down with one process.

Career - Life is speeding up, suddenly the train you are on picks up pace and the countryside is flashing by; you race through train stations so quickly you barely have time to catch the town names on the platform. Decisions must be made fast, often without you fully having time to digest all the facts and salient considerations.

Health - A home move is often in connection with a lifestyle change right now. So if you have decided a long commute is ruining your health, this is the time to seriously think about a move closer to work or finding a new career or way of working.


Love - You appear to be lucky in love, but it is simply the fact that you are sending out the right message to the universe – without realising it you are saying, “I am open, I love and appreciate myself and will attract a partner who loves and appreciates me.” The desire to be in love is driven by positive emotions rather than fear and need.

Career - Intellectual property and understanding your rights and how to protect your ideas is vital. Written work, logos, graphics, brand, research, technical drawings, plans, copy, recipes, jokes, etc. are all intellectual property, and if you deal in any of these, you must properly trademark or copyright or patent them.

Health - Cognitive behavioural therapies can also be very helpful for those who suddenly experience a burst of conflicting ideas and confusing emotions which need to be dealt with.

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