Monthly Horoscope for June - Love, Career and Health


Love - Aries can be a little emotionally frustrated this month – your feelings are running very high, and you are keen to enjoy love and relationships, and yet events are not always in your favour, and you are not that good at expressing what you want in a way that makes getting it possible.

Career - This is a very good month for targets and for pinning yourself down to a routine. Yes, I now Aries can be allergic to routines, and you hate being boxed in and having to knuckle down to boring stuff that involves the kind of work only Taurus and Capricorn should even have to face; however, great progress and achievement can come from applied mental efforts this month.

Health - Aries need to eat plenty of eggs and also oily fish this month. You can also take Vitamin B complex, omega oil supplements and iron-rich foods like spinach and legumes.


Love - A certain tension in relationships can increase the sexual side of things, making intimacy more piquant – in fact, nervousness in emerging relationships can come across as endearing and very sexy. In fact, when Taurus get passionate and express powerful opinions, it can create more excitement around you, and you appear very dynamic and a bit like a firecracker.

Career - This month is again expansive, and you cannot stop yourself being more opinionated, more involved, and a more energetic participant in group discussions. The problem is that your ego can get in the way of logic and reason, making you a little reckless in your desire to prove yourself or prove a point.

Health - Better family relations can make home life more supportive and more nourishing – you may receive added support from family that can help boost your self-esteem and self-image.


Love - Gemini are inclined to the unconventional in love, and you are ready to get more inventive and creative about how you approach romance. Relationships can have surprising elements and are free of the boredom, the restraints, and the normal controls you tend to have over yourself.

Career - Analysing your cash flows and using ratios to get beyond the figures to get more understanding beyond outgoings and incomings is important – you want to squeeze the figures and get information out of them which can make decisions easier. This is a very good time to deal with your finances as Gemini tend to be more rational and pragmatic in your approach.

Health - We are always told that beauty is ‘inside out’ and that the outside should never be a starting point, and yet I am going to tell you that it works both ways, and this month you can experience that. Gemini may find that addressing the outside first can be a way to fire up motivation on the inside and begin a strong new set of personal mantras around coping, success, fulfilment, and self-actualisation.


Love - You will do what you can to promote harmony, and yet it is not one of those cases where you make compromises that are ultimately destructive just for the sake of peace; there is a genuine yearning in you both for the love vibe to prevail.

Career - This is a month of considerable opportunity, and so it is time to dust off the running shoes or the bow and arrow and run faster and aim higher in life. A time to revise goals up, using positive thinking and express ideas. Expand your knowledge, and learn to use that knowledge more effectively as knowledge is power right now.

Health - An eye for an eye is NOT the mentality this month. Cancerians must do everything possible to calm tensions and take the temperature of any situation down. Forgive and walk away, never retaliate.


Love - This is a dynamic time for love relationships, and you cannot always suppress the need for change even if you want to; it is best to embrace the changes you feel happening and act to control them and master them rather than feeling a victim of them.

Career - You are neither passive nor acquiescing. You are fiercely independent, and you can be hard for others to handle, and you are no pushover. This is the month to kick away your trainer wheels or any crutches and regain mastery over your life.

Health - Leo are eager to try new dishes, and you could invest in kitchen equipment and recipe books to inspire you to eat in more and cook meals from scratch.


Love - Sometimes love needs to be sensual, personal, and connected like you have to tap into something mystical and warm; however, this month, meaningless flirtations or even meaningless sex can fulfil you.

Career - Whether the sun is shining or not, you will have that sunny day feeling as you tackle life with a spring in your step as you walk along whistling. Your heart feels a little lighter, and even problems are approached with an attitude of nipping things in the bud and moving on.

Health - Even if you are shy and reserved, community support groups can draw you out of yourself and help you get in touch with emotions not only via talking but via games or role play or activities which relax you and help focus the mind.


Love - This is a great month for dating, mingling, and enjoying the party scene. Even if you have been off the dating circuit for a while, right now it is time to get back on board and just like riding a bicycle, you will find you have not lost the knack at all; in fact, dating can be even better the second time around (i.e., after a divorce or break up). You are highly magnetic, and you will tend to be the focal point of any event.

Career - Creatively, you have more punch, and you are very good at motivating others regarding artistic projects or marketing drives. This is a great time to work with children as a teacher or mentor, and even if you are not regularly involved with younger people, you may find this month you come into more contact with them via work or also your hobbies.

Health - Libra know how to live life to the full; Gemini may be the party animals of the zodiac, but you can give them a run for their money, especially this month, but watch out when you burn the candle at both ends you don’t run yourself down.


Love - You are not in the mood to let things drift – you will strike while the iron is hot and that means speaking your mind and laying down the law. This is a good period for establishing order, and the boundaries set create security for all members of the family including your partner.

Career - Sometimes you have to be prepared to upset some people to make a good decision; you cannot please all the people all the time and trying to makes you dither; Scorpio realise this, and that is what makes you effective.

Health - This is a very good period for Scorpio – you feel optimistic, and there is a powerful spirit of enterprise and endeavour. You want to try new things, and you are happy to fail as you revel in new experiences which challenge your mindsets and also your preconceptions.


Love - This is a time when Sagittarians need to get things in writing: when the going is good giving each other your word in a verbal agreement seems adequate but legally is just isn’t. Even if you have proof of all payments, you should have any agreement written down as ironclad proof of the arrangements which can stand up in court.

Career - You are no pushover; you tend to know what you want and are not ashamed of fighting for it. Sometimes we take less than we deserve as we feel it may be impolite or inappropriate to be demanding, but right now you are damned well going to demand you dues.

Health - You may realise that you have no support network at all and have become highly self-reliant but also isolated, and this can be a wake up call for you to start reaching out more to neighbours, friends, and extended family.


Love - Love connections become deeper and more intimate, and there is improved communication on matters which are close to the bone. Capricorn are keen to share secrets, and in some new relationships, this sharing of secrets make a rites of passage regarding the relationship as a whole.

Career - You are more concerned with intrinsic value rather than the pounds and dollars, and you are driven to seek meaning or to create meaning. Your interaction with other people from friends to random strangers tends to be more significant, and you love chatting about the universe, the meaning of life, and philosophy.

Health - Seminars on empowerment training or on the use of visualisation can be very helpful right now; you are open to new ideas regarding harnessing the power of the universe and altering your perceptions of reality in order to change your life outcomes.


Love - You are very comfortable in romantic situations, and even in new relationships, you can put the other person at their ease and get them into the flow romantically. It is not just about physical contact, you enjoy things like movies, music, and generally chilling on the sofa with a good wine and some takeaway.

Career - Aquarians are going to be noticed this month, once again you have fire and are passionate about those things you care about – that may or may not mean your regular job. You will rush through those things you place little value on often looking to escape any boring or mundane chores and race on to what you are passionate about. A good time to work on side-line businesses or hobbies.

Health - Your temper flares up fast, and you need to take care when operating machinery or driving as you often do not even realise what a hurry you are in.


Love - Less is more, and this is the ‘Can’t buy me Love’ part of the year where the best things in life are indeed free. You do not need money to be happy as there are good vibrations aplenty and positive shared experiences with others, i.e. friendship groups, families and between lovers.

Career - It is vital to embrace all employees and make them feel a vital part of the enterprise and not just a forgotten cog in a giant wheel. On a personal level chat to everyone and bring those shy or reserved folk in the accounting department in from the cold. A good time for events which include all those who provide services to your company or freelancers you regularly use. Make your firm part of a wider network and cultivate loyalty.

Health - You can realise many goals this month as you are so philosophical if not fateful about the outcome – often too greater association with one particular outcome can block the energy and sets you up for disappointment. Right now you will run with the result whatever – it’s a win-win situation.

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