The Week In Preview: General Astrology Forecast For March 1-8

Hello, readers, and welcome back to The Week In Preview. Hopefully, last week's Venus-Mars square didn't get anyone too down. This week has a much different vibe when it comes to love, communications, and just getting things done in general.

Our forecast period starts with the Full Moon in Virgo on March 1. This Moon is opposite Neptune, sesquiquadrate and parallel Uranus, and trine Saturn. Looking towards Washington DC in particular, the next two weeks will be full of the unexpected, though we're likely not to get the full story about whatever is happening there. Even today (Feb 28), we are experiencing this in the form of the sudden and unexplained resignation of White House communications director Hope Hicks. As far as the general mood of the American people this week, there's a need for change that won't be immediately forthcoming, but luckily we'll be persistent, and willing to do the hard work that it takes to accomplish our collective goals.

This is actually a fantastic week when it comes to aspects. Mercury and Venus have been riding along together through Pisces, making an exact conjunction on the 4th, and staying within orb for the next two weeks before making another conjunction. It's a good time for making deals and negotiations, as well as signing contracts. It's as if benefic Venus is bestowing her gifts of pleasantry into our communications. It's also a good time to express our love if there's someone to express it to! This doesn't have to be a relationship - you can pay your best friend a compliment this week!

Note that Mercury and Venus will both cross into Aries on the 6th - people needing to think fast, and/or people who wish to assert their love for another will enjoy this time.

Not only that, but these two planets will trine Jupiter on the 1st and 2nd of March - a prime couple of days for love and communications, as well as finances. These are easily the luckiest couple of days of the year - especially those of us with personal planets or points around 21-25 degrees of water and/or earth signs.

This weekend will have us enjoying not just the Mercury-Venus-Jupiter action, but also a conjunction between the Sun and Neptune, putting a highlight on all things Neptunian. I'll focus on the positive here, and say that we can have a fun, enjoyable weekend, and even those of us who have been having a more difficult time lately will find it easier than usual to put our troubles aside and simply have an enjoyable couple of days.

Finally, Jupiter's energy is strong this week as the planetary giant stations retrograde on the 8th. Not to worry - this won't give us the headaches that often come with the stations of personal planets. However, if you've been working with the Jupiter-Pluto sextile, for example, and working to make improvements and advances in your life, now will be the time to review those potential improvements and advances to see if we're really headed into the right direction.

In other words - we'll be making internal, personal improvements over these next few months.

That is it for this week's The Week In Preview. I hope you all enjoyed this time when all of the planets were in forward motion. The next time that happens will be from January 6, 2019, when Uranus stations direct, until March 5, 2019 when Mercury turns retrograde.

Speaking of Mercury retrograde...we're going to talk about that next week. Until then, I hope your week is full of love and light.

March 1
Full Moon in Virgo (11° 23' Virgo / Pisces)
Venus trine Jupiter (23° 07' Pisces / Scorpio)

March 2
Mercury trine Jupiter (23° 09' Pisces / Scorpio)

March 4
Mercury conjunct Venus (27° 12' Pisces)
Sun conjunct Neptune (13° 55' Pisces)

March 6
Mercury and Venus enter Aries

March 8
Jupiter stations retrograde (23° 13' Scorpio)

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