The Week In Preview: General Astrology Forecast For February 15-22

Hello, readers! Welcome back to the latest installment of The Week In Preview.

If you've been coming here daily, you already know that we're heading towards a Partial Solar Eclipse in Aquarius on the 15th. To be exact, the Eclipse is at 27 degrees Aquarius, nearly opposite the degree of the Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017, which occurred at 28 Leo.

Therefore, expect themes that were prominent around the last eclipse to recur around this time - especially when planets and luminaries are around 27-28 degrees of fixed signs, triggering both last August's eclipse and the current eclipse.

In our personal lives, a new chapter in life may have started for those of us directly affected by the previous eclipse in August. This eclipse will serve as a continuation, or a new chapter of whatever part of life was affected six months ago.

In Washington DC, we are already seeing more shakeups in the White House staff, as we did late last summer. Expect more of this in the coming weeks. "Russiagate" could see a milestone or two in the very near future as well.

As for the aspects happening around the time of the eclipse, we have two sextiles on the same day - Mercury sextile Uranus (the eclipse itself is also sextile Uranus), as well as Venus sextile Saturn.

Also within orb is a square between Mars and Neptune. and the Superior Conjunction of the Sun and Mercury.

The big picture here is that communications are going to take a front seat this lunar cycle, with a hint of innovation. Communications ought to be clearer and smoother than average, so by all means, take advantage of the opportunity. Technology plays a part here as well. However, when it comes to taking action, especially this week, we'll need to do so with a bit of care, as we may be acting on false pretenses. This is due to the square between Mars and Neptune on the 17th. It will be important to keep this in mind and to make sure we have all the facts before moving forward (the Sun-Mercury-Uranus configuration should help with that - especially for the first two days following the eclipse).

Another thing about Mars/Neptune - this is an aspect that may manifest in the outer world as a sex scandal - possibly by a spiritual figure, based on the placement of the two planets in religious/spiritual signs.

From late on the 17th on, communications take a very sharp turn as Mercury, followed by the Sun on the 18th, move into mentally murky Pisces. It's not that we'll be in for a confusing time here - in fact, some of us will thrive on this, despite Mercury being in his detriment here. Mercury is linear whereas Pisces is very, very abstract, so we'll need to adjust our thinking accordingly. Creative types and those whose natal charts are heavy with water signs ought to do great here. The trick is to think flexibly.

The good side of all this Pisces (reminder: Venus and Neptune are here as well at the moment) is that our hearts and minds will be full of compassion and inclusiveness. These Neptunian themes will be prominent for the next few weeks.

Speaking of Venus and Neptune, these two planets form a conjunction on the 21st. Here, Venus brings a touch of beauty and charm to all things Neptune. On the plus side, the arts get a huge boost from this aspect. On the minus side, we're prone to delude ourselves when it comes to matters of love, self-worth, finances, and relating to others. If you have a first (or even second or third) date this week, try to wait until Venus' transit to Neptune has passed before assessing this new potential love. Today, we're just seeing what we want to see.

We'll get some help here - on the same day, Mercury forms a sextile with Saturn. If we can cut through the Piscean fog, we have an opportunity to be pragmatic in our thinking. It's also a good time to do paperwork, that is if the Venus-Neptune conjunction doesn't have us feeling a little lazy.

That is it for this week's The Week In Preview. A glance at next week shows a mostly sedate time, other than the potential for mild tensions here and there as Venus, then Mercury square off with Mars on the 25th and 28th, respectively. Until then, I hope that your week is filled with love and light.

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