Julian Assange Last words "UK you must Resist, you Can Resist" The day Press freedom took its last breath. The End of the fourth Estate

Today at approximately 10.30 am 11th April 2019, Julian Assange ws arrested . Assange was forcibly removed from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, carried out by a number of state sanctioned thugs.

What I am most disgusted about (although their are many points in this sorry saga that disgusts me) is the sad state of the Western press media. Not a single channel from the state run BBC to Sky news, CNN or ABC ITNor Radio channel critically discussed the arrest of a man for basically reporting truths about mainly state crimes, which was back up by firm evidence. The BBC had a mid day panel of jouralists (I use the term losely), politicians and other lay persons, gleefully praising and applauding what is otherwise a act that would be condemen as authoratarian, if it was another country. They condemened Assange as a rapist , even though these charges were dropped and unproven. They made fun of him like silly school children, one saying he had a Jesus complex and quoting from the monty python comedy show of the 1970s. But this is just the norm in todays world . We are asked to take serious legacy news outlets and yet they cannot behave in a serious manner.

Journalists are suppossed to hold truth to power, alas power is now in control of journlists. They dear not speak the truth. They legitimize state terror and ridicule those who dear to not follow the line. This is the end of the fourth estate. Now we will be living in a true police state were speech has to be sanctioned in the public realm and truth will hide in the dark.

We must now rejoice that the facade of democracy is showing its true colors in the westwen world, it never was a democracy but now its in plan site. The pretence is over, the states of the USA, UK Australia Canada and the European Nations are nothing more than tin pot autocratic states that will do anything however ungodly to maintain their grip on the populations they rule over. they are no more or less different to theruthless dictarors and mafia governments around the world. They have lost all moral authority as countries of law and order for the people by the people. Fully fledged police statesthatkeeps freedom of speech , freedom of agency and freedom of assembly nothing more than lip service. Has it ever been thus?

Now we await the unfair trial in a secret court in a unfair country. But of course the legacy media will never challenge this. They will continue to ridicule and bully the truth seekers. They will continue to supportthe disgusting abuses around the world in the name of democracy.

And they will do it all with a smile and air of superiority.

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