Faked Syrian Gas attacks typical 'false flag' and / or 'faked news' typical of the Zionist controlled corporate media

Assad states the obvious facts. There is absolutely no evidence that any chemical attack has taken place. The footage could easily have been faked, with fake 'victims'. [The footage could be just as fake as the Auschwitz 'gas chamber' footage, or the 'Sandy Hook' shootings]. Note that Assad never says this is the case. He merely states the fact that it could be terrorist propaganda. He has every reason to be skeptical. Of course the Zionist propaganda fake news presenters misrepresent him, and claim he is 'denying' an attack took place. He has merely voiced a reasonable and rational skepticism. [Compare this typical Zionist use of 'denial' with 'Holocaust Denial', the tag applied to anyone skeptical of the official 'Holocaust' narratives]. The children could easily be child actors. There are dozens of documented cases of such 'false news' reports using 'crisis actors', including children. Note how the Zionist propagandist simply dismisses the idea of children being willing and able to 'act' dead, in the same way Zionist propagandists simply 'dismiss' any argument presented by historians and researchers that contradicts the offical 'holocaust' narrative.
Assad then goes on to ask the obvious question of 'who benefits' from such a stunt. Or if it were real, such an attack. He would have nothing to gain. The area supposedly attacked was not of interest to his regime. Of course the Zionist propagandist simply lies and claims it was 'opposition territory'. Assad notes that even if he had chemical weapons, why would he use them on his own people? And during his own offensive, when he had the terrorists / opposition forces on the run? In the past, when he had been retreating in the face of the terrorists / opposition forces, that would have been a much more reasonable time to use any supposed chemical weapons. He states clearly that Syria has no such weapons. But of course the large captions along the bottom of the screen during this fake news report implicitly states that Assad has stockpiles of chemical weapons, and Assad denies having used them in this attack. So in typical Zionist style the fake news reporters misrepresent everything that has happened, along with the actual statements they just recorded.
What I wonder is whether this propaganda was so obvious. The statements just made by Assad were 'spun' and misrepresented immediately after he was allowed to make them. Either the propagandists believe their viewers are so slow witted and pay so little attention that they think they can displace Assad's actual comments and arguments with the Zionist propaganda, or the blatant propaganda was intended to be noticed by more and more people. With the intention of discrediting the U.S administration and U.S media. To make the lies and deception and fake news and propaganda so obvious people could not fail to notice it.
I have predicted that at some point the U.S.A and Israel ('Jews') will be 'outed' publicly. That they will be thoroughly discredited. So the people of the world, and the U.S itself, will lose all faith in their form of government (representative democracy) and capitalism via 'straw man' version of it exercised in the U.S) per se.
All in the name of discrediting the current system, de-stabilising the world economy and political systems, producing chaos, and leading the people to demand, or to at least passively accept, the alternative that will be offered them / forced upon them. The 'Jew' World Order. Masquerading as a 'New' World Order.

Oh, and note how Trump is presenting his total turn-around on NATO. Just like all the presidents before him who promised 'peace' and 'isolationism', Trump lied about his true Zionst intentions. He is now claiming that suddenly NATO has become a force for good, and the U.S will increase its military spending beyond anything ever seen in U.S history, and in peace time! Suddenly NATO has become an enemy of terrorism? Suddenly NATO is good? And the U.S is going to totally defy its constitution? While still referring to a 'defence budget'? When the U.S has no enemies and faces no threats? When the only threat Trump's speech writers could come up with were the potential possible refugees of the civil war in Syria? The U.S needs to spend more on its military than ever before in history, to protect the U.S from possible refugees who might want to emigrate to the U.S? Do U.S citizens really swallow such obvious nonsense? Or is it meant to be transparent? To provoke total confusion and skepticism in the U.S population? To ultimately provoke fear of the U.S government among its own citizens. With the hope that they will thus be ready to accept an alternative to the U.S constitution, and government, and capitalism that have been 'straw manned' into monsters any reasonable person would be happy to see the back of, and be willing to 'go along with' a U.N take-over in order to achieve? Just how far will they go in provoking worldwide hatred of the U.S, and its 'way of life', in its 'straw man' form? Remember that Germany was demonised from the 1800s' and finally destroyed with war crimes, and propaganda, so that today it is, as a political force, as a nation, a guilt-ridden, self-loathing lap dog to the Zionists. So how far will they go to demonise and destroy the U.S, from within. So that when it is finally destroyed from without, it will pose no real obstacle to the 'Jew' World Order. It will beg to be relieved of its current 'way of life'. The world will justly hate it for its 200 years of war crimes and terrorism. Its citizens will distrust all its current institutions, having been the victim of the 'straw man' versions of democracy and capitalism.

If you don't understand that most of what you believe is imprinted and conditioned propaganda, from 'The Holocaust', to 'Man-made Global Climate Change Crisis', to 'Sandy Hook', to this latest 'false flag' or faked event, as the case may be, then please watch my other markus rehbach Youtube channel videos, and read my TROONATNOOR series 'Welcome to the New World Order', which Amazon recently censored / blocked / banned, after Draft2Digital and Smashwords banned them, and threatened to take legal action against me. Simply email me at markusrehbach@yahoo.com for 'free' copies, or search the web for torrents and other options to access them.

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