Want to help your favorite band? Asobi is here to help! Asobi Coin ICO

Level of profits is unstable

Being artist in any field is a great risk. You may be extremely popular in 2015, but in 2020 nobody will even remember you. For most of artists, their performances are the only way to earn some money. Piracy does not allow to earn much on selling of content, because free copies of the songs are everywhere and nobody seem able to fight this trend. Nobody, but Asobi, which will become best friend of any digital content creator in several years. 

There are two most widespread ways of fighting the piracy in modern world and both of the does not work in proper way. Governments try to make as many restrictions as possible. In addition, they provide content creators with great terms only on paper. The truth is that almost nobody is ready to control execution of all these laws. Police is ready to fight traditional crimes, but not digital crimes. There is no way to close the pirate websites without trial and trial may take several month or years. 

Content providers also try to fight piracy, but in their own way. Companies try their best to provide products with the highest level of protection, but it does not work in most cases. Then they try to increase prices on content and make you to buy exclusive additional content, so people, who buy it, are forced to cover expenses, caused by piracy. 

Asobi Coin offers completely new way to solve these issues and help content creators to earn money on their product even when they stopped to make something new long ago. Asobi platform has two key elements DSS and decentralized market for secondary items. 

Licenses must be tradable!

Beatles have stopped to make music long ago, but some of their relatives still have rights on their music. Thus, when you are buying their album today, these people get small part of profit. The same method may work out with any other content provider by implementation of decentralized market for pre-owner digital goods. Asobi is the one!

There were a lot of bands you may like as a teenager, but you do not listen to them anymore. In the same time, you have digital copies of their albums and songs. Are you able to sell it right now? No. Will Asobi give you an opportunity to sell them? Yes, with ease. 

The main feature of Asobi secondary market is ability to pay certain part of payment to original content creator. Even if this band does not exist anymore, its members will be able to get part of profits from sale of their content on secondary market. People are unlikely to pay much for the rare stuff, so it is obvious that prices on Asobi will be lower. Nobody would buy old album for the full price. But when you sell it twice cheaper, most of people will pay, instead of downloading song from pirate website. Asobi will be built to last, so do not miss your chance to become part of it! 

WebSite: https://asobimo.io/en
ANNTHREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4884216
WhitePaper: https://asobimo.io/pdf/white_paper_en.pdf
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Telegram: https://t.me/AsobiCoin_Official

AUTHOR EducoinVietnam: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=827464

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