Ashoka tree


Ashok is a medium-sized evergreen, shady tree with many branches and branches. The stem is smooth, gray and advanced. At present, Ashoka trees are planted to enhance the appearance of various gardens. Also can be seen planting along different roads. The full-grown trees grow up to 25-5 feet high. The leaves grow up to 3-5 inches in size. Data usually consists of 3-5 pairs of leaves. The shingles of the shingles are in dirt or copper. The reddish orange blossoms in February-March.

Part of use:-

Common Ashoka tree stalks are used. However flowers and seeds are used.

No matter how part is used:-

  • When the urine is stopped, a seed of Ashoka can be obtained by playing it on the bat with cold water.
  • If you feel extremely thirsty, some of Ashok's bark should be soaked in water for a while. After that, drink 1/4 spoon of water in a small amount and then feel thirsty.
  • Ashoka is a good cure for any disease caused by uterus.
  • Ashoka's Qath's burial is burned somewhere.
  • Ashoka digestion is beneficial in blood pollution.
  • When a place is cut off, the skin of the Ashok bark is placed on the thickness of it and the blood is stopped.

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