I uploaded my 2nd peice of art to the Blockchain today.

I have always loved clown art and made this artwork back in the 2009. I made it with markers and on a postcard size of paper for a art project I was doing in a Art class. The piece actually creeped out my friends wife when I uploaded it on myspace pictures. I remember him telling me how bad it creeped her out. I knew then that it expressed artistic emotion and would be something I would one day use again. I added this clown piece to my collection on ascribe and onto the Blockchain so it will always be online in some form or another. Now it will be here on Steemit.

Here is my artwork it has only a 100 editions on ascribe.

I would love to hear any opinions. The artwork is titled Frostee the creepy clown. I consider it to be in a abstract form of art.

Frosty the clown .jpg

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