Ascension Symptoms - Purging Dense Energies - Part 1

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The Great Awakening.

Every 26,000 years or so the plane(t) goes through the photon belt. The extra radiation via light pours into our plane(t) and has an effect on all of us in some way or another. These are sometimes called ascension symptoms, while for others it's called COVID. That is my truth anyhow. The powers that were knew of these cycles and acted fittingly for service to self motives: more control, power, money, death.....

When these light frequencies "hit" earth (not in a bad way) any energy that is denser will be affected. The higher vibration you already are, the less adversely affected you will be. What we resist, persists, which is why healing is number one priority for me. Healing is just another way of saying "return to self and oneness". It is also self-love and self-care.

So, for those who have knowingly or unknowingly chosen to ascend with the earth into a higher dimensional plane (5D and beyond) this healing/ purification process is the pathway through which we return to an intimate experience of relationship with God/ Creation/ Prime Creator/ All that there is/ Any other label we give to the divine source of everything.

Am I Ascending? Recognizing the Process:


Intense Feelings

Intense feelings, often of a negative variety (anger/ fear/ jealousy/ self-degradation etc) that arise suddenly and without warning, sometimes without any apparent external cause. This can be REALLY confusing since we cannot trace the CAUSE of these energies inside us, and it can be easy to externalise our feelings by blaming someone or something else for the way we feel.

The important thing is "acceptance". Denial is not your friend AT ALL. Accept your wounds and feel them. You may be carrying repressed memories from this life, or others. You may be carrying generational/ ancestral karma, or you may have energy leaks that have allowed other people and other entities to syphon energy from you.

Externalising is a sure fire way of prolonging our suffering. If we lash out at others and blame them for our feelings we are doing what is known as "spiritual bypassing". As I mentioned before, what we resist, will persist and not only that but also it will get LOUDER and more pronounced. Your situation may well seem to worsen, but this is the sign that you need to stop and take stock. Sit with your feelings and let them dissipate. Take up creative pursuits to transmute those darker energies, or get some energy healing to help rebalance you so that you can better deal with your situation.

And, of course, remain present. I say of course, like it's a no-brainer and easy to do, but in my case it was so far from the truth. When we are heavily traumatised, parts of our soul fragment and leave the body. They are still there, hovering above us, but the dense energy inside us from the stored trauma prevents your whole being from being present in your body.

In my case, the softer, more vulnerable divine feminine parts of my soul disassociated from my body and were unable to embody. I've been working on embodiment of my whole being now for at least 4 years and bit by bit I am becoming more whole every day. Maintaining a high frequency gets easier, but our preferences, our likes, dislikes, perspectives, things that we tolerate/ support etc may also change as we find out who we truly are. (That is another series of posts on their own!)

On the flip side, we also experience more intense positive feelings: joy, peace, calm, balanced, open-minded, harmonious, empathy, creativity etc. I would NOT change the process for ANYTHING. Returning to our natural state is a beautiful thing. 🙏


New physical symptoms

These have no real explanation or cause but can take on the appearance of a medical condition. This is a tricky one, because sometimes we do need medical attention and failing to seek medical advice can be fatal. For me, this is an opportunity to really connect with my own body in a deeper way. If you have long disassociated from your own body, this takes time, so please do seek medical attention if you are unsure. Be patient with yourself too.

I'm not a big fan of doctors. I think there are many changes necessary in their practices, and I very rarely go to see a doctor. When I do, they can very rarely help and prescribe toxic chemicals I don't want to consume. I am really not pro Big (P)harma and very rarely take medicine that is not natural, but if I have an accident I generally need a surgeon or a doctor for that. I have never met a really healthy person who takes lots of pharmaceutical products.

Anyway, I digress. Back to new physical symptoms; these are based on unique energetic changes in our bodies: physical, mental, emotional, etheric, astral. Each of us has our own soul blueprint - like an energetic fingerprint that is unique to each of us. As our DNA activates (if that is the path we have chosen), our own blueprint needs certain things. No one is ahead or behind as we all have different blueprints, situations, physical bodies etc.

For me, these symptoms started about 7 years ago when I was first attuned to Reiki. The attunements set off a chain reaction in my body that has become part of my journey; high-pitched ringing in the ears, migraines, changes in vision (foggy/ seeing things to the side of me/ seeing sparkles and flashes/ other 3rd eye awakening sensations and experiences), cramps, mood swings, changes in dietary habits, sinus issues, and more that I've forgotten now. The point is they are various and can spring up from seemingly nowhere.

In part two, I'll go into more info about ascension energies and ascension symptoms.

In the meantime, For a comprehensive list of common ascension symptoms, check out the Ascension Glossary. I find it really useful.

Remember, we are all on our own unique journey, so be kind, always.


Marley and Me xx

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