🎨 GOOD ARTISTS COPY, GREAT ARTISTS STEAL - quote attributed to Picasso

I had commented on my own previous post Of Copyright Issues, Public Domain, Creative Commons, Cabbages, Kings and Fools ................ but feel now that this warrants a separate post.

quote attributed to Picasso

When I feel passionate about a subject, I engage my research skills to bolster my arguments.
My Alma Mater is the University of Lethbridge - grad 82 - you can check my CV here

So I am now expanding on my comment:

One of the things I used to do when I was young was to go to the Art Academy in Vienna (where Peter Gric later studied in the Master class of Arik Brauer). It has a excellent art museum, and I watched students copy old masters to learn techniques, composition, color etc. This is still practiced today in some places where traditional methods are taught.

A excellent article about this is:

Copying Paintings of the Masters and Other Artists
Example shown in this article:

Blackhead, Monhegan by Edward Hopper - public domain
Image: https://www.wikiart.org/en/edward-hopper/blackhead-monhegan-1919

Quoting excerpts from this article:

One of the tried and true techniques of classical art training is to copy the work of the Old Masters, those who painted before the 18th century. While this isn't as much a part of current art school training in many places it is still a highly valuable undertaking.
For a look at some of today's "Old Masters" and where you can still receive higher education in classical drawing and painting, read Brandon Kralik's article,

Today's New Old Masters Outshine the Avante-Garde (Huffpost 5/24/13)

Contemporary society is much more concerned with originality (and copyright infringement) so this kind of training doesn’t take place as much anymore, but copying the work of a master or, in fact, any other painter whose work you admire is an invaluable and highly instructive practice. Some people, called copyist artists, even make a legitimate income from copying the work of famous artists.

another quote:
Drawing is a way of seeing. There is much to be learned from copying a painting you admire. In fact, The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam has started a program, Startdrawing, to get people to start copying paintings by drawing them as they move through the galleries because, as they say on their website, "you see more when you draw" and "you begin to see things you never noticed before."

Quoted from Copying Paintings of the Masters and Other Artists

My comment to this: I have The Rijksmuseum in my favorites and had started collecting some work in my own album on the Rijksmuseum site.

Maybe one of the sad developments in this day and age is that art students are discouraged, and seemingly here on Steemit bullied, for honing their skills by learning from others and from their peers.

I for one have no problem with someone trying to copy my work, my technique - which I have also taught in workshops. I have published many of my artworks on Flickr with a CC tag and certainly would not go after someone to learn by copying my work.

detail from my painting Pablos Last Concert

>Picasso supposedly said: “good artists copy, great artists steal”

but regardless if he said it or not, this is a quote that is well known. A good answer to this is found in Quora: Whether this quote is from Picasso, or merely attributed to him, doesn't make much of a difference. The underlying meaning of the message is the same either way

For those who do not follow links, here is a salient point made - quoting from the Quora answer by Kevin Chung - himself quoting from Austin Kleon (link below and more info):

1. Steal Like an Artist

Being an artist means learning from those who came before you. Very few things in the art world are truly original.

Artists are always pulling inspiration from each other. We may not copy other artists stroke for stroke, but even if we did, that wouldn't make us great artists.

Great artists are able to pull inspiration from multiple sources. They can adapt and evolve their style to fit the project they are working on in the moment. They aren't stubborn and arrogant. They are always willing to learn from others to become better.

Stop believing your work is completely original. It is a detriment to your work and your craft. It stops you in your tracks and it forces you to be narrow minded.

Evolve with your craft and be willing to steal inspiration and ideas from those around you and those who came before you.

these quotes were from the book by Austin Kleon - Steal like an Artist - a New York Times Bestseller!

There is more you should read, more good points being made, because this was just one of it - better yet: buy the book, you can get a signed copy!

book cover Austin Kleon: Steal Like An Artist . see link above

This concludes what some would consider a rant - I hope I have been informative by pulling all these resources together - if you have anything to add, I would welcome your comments.
This issue is much too important to overlook, because as I said in my previous post

Dear Artist Friends: don't be intimidated by bullies and trolls, fight back! Flag what you feel is vindictive and abusive action. Don't give a bully an inch of space, and if we stand together, then hopefully this scourge will be history

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