Photography - The Art of Heart


Photographer and the happiness go hand in hand. A sorrowful heart can never give extraordinary and creative clicks. Being a photographer, I have always experienced that when we click from within; we give the best photograph to the world.

There are various types of photographers in the world; however, they all need to be happy when they are clicking the photograph. The real art hidden within the heart of the photographer comes out in the form of art in the photograph.

The wedding photographers should be able to enjoy the environment of marriage, while the nature photographer should be friendly and closer to the Mother Nature. The portrait photographer should be the one who loves the mankind, while the wildlife photographer should be the lover of the wild animals.

It is not possible to capture anything through the eyes of the camera unless the photographer is individually involved in it. We can also say that the photographer should be in love with the object he/she is clicking. Fortunately, many photographers are artists, however, if anyone has chosen to be a professional photographer without having the love for photography, then he/she won’t be able to give the best.

Basically, as we all know that the photography is the art hidden within the heart of the photographer. This art is depicted in the form of photographs that are clicked by the photographer. The photojournalist has a different way of thinking and hence his photos are more of awareness than of art. The art photographer cannot find the meaning in the photos of the journalist and vice versa.

Thus, we conclude, that photography is basically an art of love. The one who has understood this art gives the best photos to the world and the one who has not understand this art would really need to understand that photography is all about the art of heart.

All Image Credit: Creative Commons


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