

This started as an acrylic on canvas with some embroidery and vinyl collage I began painting last summer and have yet to finish. I took some photos of it and got to work with it on Gimp. Today I mixed it with some sky photos I took and previously sprinkled with DeepDream Generator and here it is one of the many possibilities I've experimented with.

Here is a bit of the process:

Captura de e_2020-02-16_17-45-58.png

Then I decided to crop it to the canvas format.
Hope you'll like it :)

This Sunday I feel the universe is really testing my patience: first were the flagging bot pests, then the gospel preaching spammers attacking my blog, then the bot pests return.... Can we just get a member block button and delete comments option? Really... how hard can that be to implement for the Steemit luminaries out there?

Been grey and rainy outside all day, but that's ok, I've been in a zen mood all day.

Artwork by @elisea, all rights reserved.


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