Iguana Guardian - painting in progress

Our spirit expresses itself creatively through a myriad of different forms. We are the infinite divine potentiality. I guess the trick is to not get too stuck in human form, what often goes with a feeling of separation from the wholeness because of our limited ego's. We have to practice moving beyond & merging with nature, and all beings. Ultimately we can expand our awareness further and to reflect in the cosmos. We are much more than what we thought we are. The death of the ego - paradoxically something people are really afraid of - is the gate for us to experience the limitless light of our being, our blissful nature. Each time when we are surrendering our ego's, we are just peeling off the layers, many lifetimes of conditioning, uncovering our true self. Art is a great tool for us to connect with much deeper aspects of ourselves.
Many years ago I started this 4 x 4 feet painting study of Iguana lizard. What a magnificent and ancient creature to reflect in! I haven't​ been working on it for a long time, it is waiting patiently beyond the space and time to be birthed and fully activated, shooting up the creative primordial fires straight from the higher source;)

#iguana #ancient #spirit #creative #creativity #primordial

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