Vision Bowie. (Late night doodle at the bar)

Well, I went out for a stroll last night to bury myself in drinks for about 2 hours. I found out that someone had taken one of my pieces and put it on an iPhone case and had it for sale on their online shop. Completely without permission. Needless to say... I was livid. I filed a copyright complaint, and a lot of my friends sent this person emails threatening legal action. I also had my buddy from San Diego who is an attorney help me out with this one. He sent him a very professional email basically stating that he must take down the product because they stole my artwork. By 12:30 PM today it was gone.

vision bowie050.jpg

Here is the little drawing I did while I was at the bar down the road from me. "Vision Bowie" I just called it that because of the strange eyes I put on this masked character. This is 2.5x3.5"


Here is a photo of me working on it at the bar. Sorry the photo is a bit dark... I mean it's a bar after all. Shitty beer, and shitty whiskey. Yum.

Keep an eye out for people that might steal your work. Luckily someone on Reddit recognized that it was my drawing on this product and sent me a message asking if I had any part in it. Otherwise I probably would have never found out.

Thanks for having look.
Copyright @achristopherart. All Rights Reserved.

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