Noki's Week 4 Entery: To @everlove "Artists In Bloom" Kids Art Gallery

Its another week for @everloves wonderful art project creating space for children's art here on Steem!

@everlove has done so much for the art scene here on Steem already and continues to revolutionize the scene by bringing another creative project creating space for the children to contribute and get involved with Steem too!

@truelovelives hosted this little art session for her daughters @qiqi-power and @noki-power. She asked if they wanted to be a part of @everlove's kids art gallery this week and they gave an enthusiastic YES!!!

She then asked if they wanted to create freestyle, totally from their own imaginations or if they wanted to be given a specific project to do. They decided they wanted to be given a project. 

So @truelovelives asked them to do a drawing about the things they do to stay healthy.

Here is what @noki-power created: 

Her artistic process was a little different from the other girls'. She drew individual items, and (her attempt at) the first letter of that item. She is 4 years old, though the pack she runs with on a daily basis is comprised of  two 6 year old girls. Noki has exceptional linguistic skills and abilities and speaks as well or better than the older girls! Yes she had a hard time during this art session, during which the older girls wrote their letters to go along with their fruits with ease. Noki persisted and kept on trying. 

Noki's Artist Statement:

" Mine is about being healthy with a beautiful sun and and with a pea and an apple and green juice."

The long bean is the pea, and those little marks are her attempt at a P. 

Her apple is accompanies by a very clear and nice A. Great job Noki! 

And the biggest challenge was the G to to along with her Green juice, which she drinks every morning to start her day. 

She wanted to have each item cut out from the paper where there were mistakes and things she did not want to include in the final piece. Then her mom put glue on the back of each item and Noki placed it on the larger paper where she wanted it. 

Throughout this art process, she went through the most challenges, but was focused and determined and came out successful. Go @noki-power!!!

Check out her mom, @truelovelives' s post about how she and her little sister made their own wellness tea, even while they were sick. "Happy, Healthy Homey #1: Tea Time for the Tots"

Also check out her dad @quinneaker 's post about growing a winter garden of healthful greens "Bounties Of The Land Wintertime Garden Abundance"

- @everlove's #thankyouforbeing post dedicated to @noki-power
- Get brilliant insight into @quinneaker's perspective on parenting
- Meet @quinneaker, incredible father of @noki-power and @qiqi-power,
and founder and visionary of the world renown @gardenofeden

Enjoy this art and stay tuned for more conscious creations!

This is an introduce your self post for Noki aka @noki-power the younger sister of @qiqi-power, daughter of @quinneaker and thriving inhabitant of @gardenofeden   ! I have lots of precious photos and fun information to share in this    post about Noki, but first I want to be clear on the foundation of  this   account and how it will work.  I @quinneaker created this account in trust, to share the infinite blessings of Noki with the world, under the @noki-power   name.  I want to give Noki a way to be be responsible and self   sustaining  for supporting her own dreams and desires in life. I treat   her like an  adult and in many ways already, she is more conscious,   capable and  responsible than most adults. This will start her off with   her own  "business outlet" to begin taking care of her self whenever  she  wants  to. She comprehends and is excited to share her love and  passion  for  life while also working for and creating things for her  self that  she  wants.  She wants an Ipad to create art with, make  videos, watch  videos so she doesn't have to share with her older sister  @qiqi-power  for as much  as they love each other they prefer to have their own  things to use  when and how they want.  She is already very indapendant,  empowered and  free.  She helps cook,  clean, take care of her younger  brother, and  has an amazing  imagination.  Noki is learning Spanish and  as well as  new things every day. I will  be posting her chosen content  and  perspective as well as represent for  her here, having sole control   of the account and all  activity on it.   She will have no access to   this account in any way on her own. Yet I  will mediate for her in   whatever way she wants to use this account.  I have  done  this   because  the laws of children having social media  accounts and access.   This is  set up in trust for her future and thus  must survive to be  of  any worth. She has decided to power up all SP to  make Steemit   better and to invest in her future trust. Because she  trusts her dad   with all things and knows I help improve her life and the  world.  If   and when she wants something that requires $$$ I will acquire it  for   her so as to keep all $teem in the economy and further the increase  of   value of $teem.  Alternatively she will trade that Steem to a   Steemian  in exchange for what she wants, when she saves enough.  This  account  is intended to give Noki a creative outlet  and opportunity to  make her  own way in life and achieve her dreams in a  self sustaining  manner.

Until Next Time SteemOn!

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