[CR] Truth Hurts

Shan Cai and Xiaoyou having a girl talk

Here is another scene I like from Meteorgarden 2018.
Sometimes when we are head over heels in love with someone, we tend to get blinded by the strong emotions and sometimes irrational that ends in making poor decisions. Good thing we have good friends to talk to. Sometimes we just need to let it all out. We need a friend to be there just listening no judgement. But it is also good if that friend can tell us point blank what is wrong what is working and what is not. For me I would rather hear an unpopular remark at that moment than hear an advice that I would love to hear. Friends are there to help us and guide us should we be going the wrong direction.

On this scene, Shan Cai's remark is eye opening. We need to hear that in moments when we get blinded by our infatuation. Thanks for reading this and below is a quick steps on how I made the drawing .

Drawing Process
Line drawing to determine the position and angle on where I want the characters to be
Trying to see if I got the right shade of khaki for the cap as I want to stay true to the colors base on the TV series Meteorgarden. At this step I realized I only have little space for dialogue so I write only the dialogue of Shan Cai and no longer included the one for Xiaoyou but I think it still works
On a new layer I started coloring the shirts, caps and highlights.

That's it my friends hope you like it.

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