Breeders Cup Classic- one of the most exciting races of the year for me.

My picks are
Catholic Boy- he’s familiar with multiple surfaces and coming in fit as fit can be
Accelerate- he seems to be in his prime
And then my favorite pick- Mind Your Biscuits. A horse that couldn’t get a bid and purchased for $30k, now with current earnings of 4.2+M. He is the reason we love this sport. Because it’s anyone’s game with hard work, and just a little luck. Anyone can have a chance.
Like his trainer says, and what the biggest thing racing and horses in general teaches us is: yeah you might loose some. Your might loose a lot. But you can’t win if you don’t run in the race.

It’s Breeders Cup Classic day today! Fun day of horse racing! Lots of great races and of course the classic! I have no idea whose going to win. I’m going with Accelerate for the Classic but it’s anyone’s race!

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