Ash Wednesday; What it Means

I'm sure we've seen people sometime in my our life time have a cross drawn on their fore heads and you'd be baffled as to what in bloody hell they are on about. I'm here to shed some light about it, i promise keep it as short and precise as possible


Basically ash Wednesday Signifies the begining of the lenten season in christiandom which last for 40 days which in turn commemorates the 40 days fast by Jesus Christ and the temptation he faced from the devil. The ash drawn on foreheads is to remind us that we came from ash (dust) and to ash we go back to(eccl 3:20) . It is supposedly done by a christians but not all church denominations know or even practise it.
This years' own happens to fall on Valentine's day!!!..
Happy ash Wednesday to you lot and may the peace of the lord be with you

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