Overused Millennia Words

The English dictionary is filled with a lot of words I have never heard of, know the spellings or even pronuciation. This is not to say my command of English isn't excellent but really who knows all those words?

In recent times when I read a writeup or a blog story or news there is the mention of CLAP BACK. Like seriously? What is clap back?

RANT another overused millennia word. Making a little complaint online becomes a rant when reported, even this write up will qualify as a rant.

The one that I find more annonying? CULTURAL APPROPRIATION. What is it anyway. I find someone talking something from my culture and using it appropriately as a wonderful thing , only means the person appreciates the beauty of my culture. And what better way to make the world a better place.

I know there are more words out there, really overused. Do you remember any?

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